Chapter 6

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Merlin’s POV 

Merlin woke up with a slight scream, tears streaming down his face. Then he realized that it was Arthur who had woken him up in the middle of the dream.

“Merlin, Merlin! Merlin I’m here it’s ok.” 

Merlin nodded and buried his face in Arthur’s chest. He felt Arthur’s strong arms wrap around him.

“What’s wrong, what was the dream about? You were calling my name and crying.” When Merlin didn’t respond, Arthur quietly asked, “Is this why you’re tired all the time?” Merlin slowly nodded against his chest. Arthur huffed. “Merlin, why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.” Merlin cried harder. “But in the dream…” Merlin trailed off. “Arthur, it was awful. You were… you were dying.” Arthur held him close and soothed him. “It’s ok Merlin, I’m here. I’m okay.” He wrapped his arms around Arthur like he was a lifeline. Soon Merlin fell asleep, still in Arthur’s arms.

Arthur’s POV 

When Arthur awoke the next morning, he found Merlin and him still intertwined from the night before. Of course, that’s when Gwaine walked in. “Princess?” He looked down at Arthur and Merlin. He wiggles his eyebrows. “Shut up Gwaine. He had a hard night. Leave us alone.” Gwaine left with the biggest smile on his face that he had ever seen. 

Suddenly, Arthur felt Merlin stir underneath him. He looked down and saw Merlin look up at him. “Well good morning princess.” Merlin said to Arthur with a grin. “Merlin.” Arthur sighed dramatically. Arthur struggled out of Merlin’s arms and stood up. “We ride out in one hour. Saddle up the horses.” With that, Arthur went to the river to bathe.

1 hour later

Arthur hopped on his horse and pulled Merlin on behind him. As they were riding out, Merlin said from behind, “Thanks, Arthur.” 

“What for?”

“Last night.” 

“Oh. You’re welcome.” Arthur sighed and then galloped off towards the danger. 

Merlin’s POV 

When they arrived, they tied up their horses and hid behind the trees. “Merlin, stay here. Do NOT come out.” Merlin rolled his eyes and nodded. Suddenly, Arthur shushed them. “They’re here.” When Morgana’s men came into the clearing in front of them, the knights hopped out of their hiding places and began to fight, including Arthur. All seemed to be going well, until Merlin saw an archer position himself behind Arthur. He didn’t have time to use any magic, so he did the only thing he could.

He jumped in front of the archer.

Arthur’s POV 

As Arthur killed the man in front of him, he heard a thunk behind him. He whipped around just in time to see Merlin slump to the ground and an archer loading up an arrow. He threw a dagger, piercing the archer and killing him. He picked up Merlin and carried him bridal-style to the tree line. He set him down and saw the arrow embedded in his shoulder. Arthur let out a hiss and set Merlin on his horse. All the knights ran over once Morgana’s men were dead. Arthur turned to face them, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. “He jumped in front of an arrow for me.” He told them in a hoarse voice. With that, Arthur jumped on the horse behind Merlin, riding off towards Camelot, the knights quickly following suit. 

Gwen’s POV

The first thing she saw was the blood. 

Arthur was carrying Merlin bridal-style into Gaius chambers. “Set him down here.” She distantly heard Gaius tell Arthur. She watched Gaius gently pull the arrow out and bandage the wound. “He’ll be okay, but he won’t be able to work for a week.” Arthur nodded but sighed. Gwen knew just how much he hated George. “Leave us.” Arthur whispered. Gwen and Gaius nodded, then headed out the door.

Arthur’s POV 

Once everyone left he couldn’t stop crying. The tears just kept coming. He felt like there was an endless amount. “It’s all my fault.” He whispered. Then he heard most wonderful thing he’d ever heard. “Goodness Arthur don’t be such a girl.” “Merlin!” Arthur couldn’t help it. He buried his face in Merlin’s neck and hugged him. “You utter cabbage head I told you to stay in the trees!” 

“You know I don’t listen very well.” He could tell Merlin was smiling. “That’s true.” He couldn’t help himself. He held Merlin’s hand and brushed his other hand through Merlin’s raven-colored hair. “I couldn’t live with myself if you had died.” Merlin smiled up at him. “Come on, let’s go see the knights.” 

As they were walking towards the courtyard, a guard approached them. “Prince Arthur, I bring urgent news.” “Yes?” Arthur replied. “It’s King Uther sir. He’s dead.” 

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