Chapter 2

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Merlin walked into the dining hall, bringing Arthur his drink. Princess Rebecca and King Marter had arrived only a few minutes before. He looked up from his tray when he heard King Uther laugh. King Marter was telling a story about his younger son. He then looked over at Arthur and Princess Rebecca. He almost dropped the drink. Arthur was smiling at her and touching her hand. Feeling queasy but not sure why, Merlin quickly handed Arthur his drink and raced out the castle doors before Arthur could finish saying thank you.

Once Merlin’s nausea has passed, he decided to bathe. “That was strange.”

Arthur’s POV

Arthur saw Merlin run from the dining hall after hastily setting down his drink. “Excuse me Rebecca.” He tried to go after him to see what was wrong, but not before King Uther’s booming voice filled the hall. “Stay son.” “But father-“ “That is final.” Arthur sat down in a huff. He wanted to see what was wrong with Merlin. Princess Rebecca touched his hand and gave him a warm smile. “I’ve got this.” She stated. Arthur gave her a questioning look. She stood up and pretended to be woozy. “Prince Arthur, I feel a bit faint. Would you mind escorting me to a spare room so that I may lay down for a minute?” Arthur smiled gratefully. “Of course my Princess.”

As they walked out of the dining hall, Arthur turned to Princess Rebecca. “Thanks for getting me out of there.” Arthur said. “Who is he?” Rebecca asked. “Who?” Arthur asked innocently. “Oh please Arthur. That boy you wanted to run off after.” Arthur sighed. “That’s Merlin, my manservant.” “Oh I see,” Rebecca giggled. “What?” Arthur asked warily. “Doesn’t matter. Go after him!” Rebecca gave him a small push. Arthur smiled and rushed off after his manservant.

He opened the door to Merlin’s chambers as soon as he got to it. Merlin jumped, “Arthur, you prat! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” He stood there in only a towel, wrapped loosely around his waist. “Oops.” Arthur just stood there staring at Merlin. Merlin shook his head and walked behind his trifolded screen to change.

Merlin’s POV

When he emerged, he found Arthur laid out on his bed. “Are you ok?” asked Arthur. “Of course,” Merlin shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “It’s just that you ran out really fast after handing me my drink.” Arthur looked genuinely concerned. “I’m fine Sire, really. I just got a bit nauseous is all.” Merlin could feel the heat rise in his cheeks and he didn’t know why. Arthur came up to him and looked him in the eye. “What are you not telling me? You only call me Sire when your hiding something.” “Wh-what?” Merlin stuttered. “Come on Merlin, I know you too well.” Merlin hung his head. “I really don’t know Arthur. I just walked in and suddenly felt like I was going to throw up.” Arthur took pity on his friend. “Oh, by the way, how was Princess Rebecca? A contender? I saw how you touched her hand.” Arthur blushed. “She was sweet, type.” “Oh.” Was all Merlin could muster. “She actually helped me get out of there so I could check on you.” “Well then, you better get back.” Merlin stated matter-of-factly. He then ushered Arthur out to finish his dinner with the Princess.

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