Chapter 5

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Merlin rushed to the palace steps attempting to look nonchalant.

It didn’t work.

Arthur’s POV

When Athur trotted in on his horse holding two rabbits and a deer, the first thing he noticed was Merlin, sitting on the palace steps, worry evident on his face. Then Arthur caught his eye and he looked away. “Merlin!” Arthur called. “Come put up the horses!” He saw Merlin roll his eyes but try to hide the smile threatening to break out on his face. “Oh Merlin. Such a worrier.”

Soon Arthur reached the stables, Merlin hot on his heels. “You clotpole! You went on a hunt without me!” “Merlin, you don’t even like hunts.” While Merlin knew this was true, he refused to accept that. “Without me to save your arse, who knows what could have happened to you? It's MY job to protect you!” Arthur chuckled and looked at Merlin. “Aww but you needed your beauty sleep. Besides, you couldn't protect an potato if you really tried.” Merlin felt his face heat up. “Is there a reason I woke up in your bed when I most certainly didn’t fall asleep there?” Arthur chuckled. “You fell asleep on my floor and I thought the bed would be more comfortable.” Merlin sighed. “You utter dollophead I was fine where I was.” Arthur cracked a smile and in a mocking voice said, “Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it Merlin. I have the best bed in the kingdom.” Merlin had to agree. “Maybe, but you still should have woken me to come with you.” “Merlin.” Arthur grabbed his wrist and Merlin looked up at him in shock. “Why have you been so tired lately?” That’s, of course, right when Gwaine happened to walk in. The two boys jumped apart. Gwaine, being Gwaine, cracked a smile. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

“Of course not, Gwaine. What is it?”

“King Uther requires your presence immediately.” With one more look at the two boys, he walked out.

“Merlin?” Arthur breathed. “Yes?” Arthur looked him in the eyes and he knew he meant business. “We will continue this later.” With that, he was gone.

Arthur rushed to the throne room. When he arrived, he saw Uther on his throne. “Sire,” he bowed. Uther stood up. “Arthur, we have Morgana’s forces approaching from the south. We are unsure if she is with them or not. I want you to ride out to meet them and slaughter them where they stand.” Arthur nodded his head in agreement. “Is that all Sire?” “That will be all.” With that, Arthur rushed out to gather his men.

Merlin’s POV

Merlin!” Come here you lazy oaf!” Merlin lazily walked into the room. “Yes your royal pratness?” “Merlin this is serious.” He then noticed the severity of the Future King’s voice. He nodded. “Merlin I need you to prepare the horses. Morgana’s men are headed for Camelot, and the knights are riding out to meet them.” “I’m coming with you.” Merlin said without hesitation. Arthur sighed. “Alright then. But you will not engage in battle. You will stay off to the side and run if need be. Now go. Get the horses.” Merlin smiled, and ran off to prepare the horses.

When all the knights were saddled up and ready to go, Merlin discovered that there were no horses remaining. He looked around sadly, trying to figure out what to do. That’s when Arthur trotted up next to him and held out a hand. Merlin grinned and took it, swinging himself onto the back of Arthur’s horse. The ride there was quiet. So quiet, that Merlin fell asleep, arms around Arthur’s waist, head against his back, snoring softly.

Arthur’s POV

Arthur chuckled quietly to himself. Merlin slept through half of the ride. It was endearing until Gwaine and Leon rode up next to him. They smirked at each other. Arthur wasn’t quite sure why. Then Gwaine spoke up. “What’s that you got on your back Arthur? Oh wait, that’s just Merlin!” Gwaine started cracking up. Leon and Arthur rolled their eyes. “He fell asleep. Has been doing that for awhile.” Gwaine laughed even more. “It’s...adorable!” Gwaine managed to choke out between laughs. Arthur shrugged. “He’s such a girl sometimes. Come on, let’s set up camp.”

Merlin’s POV

Merlin awoke to feel himself being carried. He looked up to see Arthur talking with Lancelot as he made his way over to a tent. He felt a blush rise in his cheeks. “Arthur, Arthur I’m awake.” Arthur looked down at him. Then set him down gently. “Ah, Merlin, your awake. You fell asleep during the ride.” He struggled out of Arthur’s arms. “Merlin it’s time for bed, do you want something to eat?” Merlin contemplated this. “No, I’m alright, just ready to sleep.” Arthur shrugged. “Alright!” He called to the knights. “Which one of you lot is going to share a tent with Merlin?” All the knights looked away. Merlin felt embarrassment and shame creep into his cheeks. “Oh for goodness sake!” Arthur cried. “I’ll share a tent with him. Merlin looked up at him gratefully. Arthur then grabbed Merlin’s wrist and took him towards the tent.

Arthur’s POV

“I can’t believe those knights.” He thought. “Come on Merlin, time for sleep.” Merlin nodded and laid down on his bedroll, back to back with Arthur. “Goodnight Arthur.”

“Goodnight Merlin.”

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