Chapter 8

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Merlin was dreading this moment. He really didn’t want to face Arthur, even though all he had to do was deliver his armor. He devised a plan to deliver the armor when Arthur left his chambers so that he wouldn’t have to face him with his newfound feelings. He wondered how they would change their relationship.

Standing behind a pillar, he quietly waited until he saw Arthur’s chamber doors open. He saw Arthur, in all his glory, step out and turn down the hall. He stalked into his room and set down his armor on a chair.

“Merlin.” He heard from behind him and jumped out of his skin. He whipped around and saw Arthur leaning nonchalantly against the door frame. “Arthur! You scared me.”

“Well maybe I wouldn’t scare you if weren’t skulking about my chambers.”

Merlin felt a blush rise in his cheeks. “I wasn’t skulking.” Arthur took a step towards him. Merlin stepped backwards in response. Arthur took one more step forward, and when he tried to back up, he ran into the wall. “You were avoiding me.” Arthur growled. “Now w-why would I do t-that?” Merlin stuttered. Arthur took another step forward. Now he was only inches away from Merlin’s face. Merlin gulped. “I don’t know.” Arthur’s eyes flashed fiercely. Swift as lightning, he put his hands on Merlin’s waist and brought him up against him. Merlin looked up into Arthur’s eyes and saw a flurry of emotions. Hope, fear, uncertainty, love, and… dare he think it? He could have sworn he saw a touch of desire. To ease his uncertainty, Merlin leaned up, and lightly brushed his lips up against Arthur’s. Arthur quickly leaned down and captured Merlin’s lips on his own. Merlin entwined his fingers in Arthur’s hair, pulling him closer. Arthur lightly brushed his tongue across Merlin’s bottom lip. Merlin opened his mouth to grant Arthur access, but as he did, he heard someone come up behind them. They quickly broke apart to see Gwaine standing behind them. He started laughing hysterically. “Leon, come here!” He heard Leon run up to the door and gasped. “Well then,” Gwaine laughed, “I guess we don’t need that fancy picnic we just set up in the woods after all.” Leon tugged at Gwaine’s sleeve to pull him away. Only then did it seem to dawn on Gwaine that he was intruding. “Well then Princess, or should I say, princesses, I’ll… leave you to it.” With that, Gwaine walked off with a laugh. As they were walking away, they saw Gwaine slip something into Leon’s hand and whisper, “My bet’s on a few strange marks when they wake up in the morning.” They heard Leon sigh as Gwaine said with a triumphant voice, “To the tavern!”

As soon as Gwaine and Leon were out of sight, Arthur groaned and grabbed Merlin by the hips. Merlin, though, shrugged him off. “No, Arthur, we can’t…”

“Why not?” Arthur asked with a sigh. “We can’t. Not until I tell you something.”

“What is it Merlin? You can tell me anything.”

“It’s… it’s…”

When you least expect it - A Merthur FanficWhere stories live. Discover now