Chapter 7

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Merlin’s POV 

Arthur stumbled back as if he’d been hit. Merlin had to put his hand on his back to make him stop shaking. “Uther? Uther the King?” The knight nodded solemnly. “How?” The knight looked him in the eye and said only one word. “Morgana.” Arthur then stood up straight and walked to his chambers, Merlin in suit. 

Merlin sat down on the bed next to Arthur. “Arthur?” He said. Arthur just held onto him and cried. “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” 

“He was my father Merlin. That means I am to become king, and without a queen at my side. What am I supposed to do?” Merlin looked up at him with what appeared to be years of sadness. “I don’t know. But I know you can do it.” He said while rubbing Arthur’s shoulders. Arthur then sat up straight. “Alright. I must announce it to all of Camelot.” Merlin stood up with him and touched his shoulder. “Good luck.” He said, and ran off to find Gwen. 

Gwen’s POV 

 I was tidying up around the house when I heard a knock at the door. She opened it to find Merlin standing there, out of breath. “The king is dead.” 

“What? What do you mean the king is dead?” “I mean what I said, Gwen. Uther, he’s dead. Morgana killed him.” Gwen took in a shaky breath. “How’s Arthur?” She asked. “He’s okay now, just had a difficult time at first.” Gwen nodded understandingly. “Go to him, he’ll need you.” Merlin scoffed. “I'm not the one he’ll need. He’ll need you.” Gwen giggled to herself. “What’s so funny?” He asked confused. “Did Arthur ask for me when he heard the news?” “No but…” 

“No buts. He needs you Merlin. Trust me.” Merlin sighed defiance but didn’t argue. He liked being the one Arthur needed, even if he didn’t know why. So he ran off to find Arthur. 

Arthur’s POV 

“Merlin!” Relief flooded through him at the sight of his loyal manservant. “They’ve decided on a day for my coronation!” Merlin perked up. “When?” “Tomorrow!” “Oh. Isn’t that rather fast?” Arthur looked him in the eye. “Camelot needs a king.” Merlin looked down. “Of course, your Majesty.” Arthur lifted Merlin’s chin. “You know how I feel about that.” “Right. I’ll go clean your armor.” Arthur pushed him down on the bed. “You need to rest. Remember what Gaius said?” Merlin rolled his eyes. “Then can we at least go see the knights?” Arthur shrugged. “Fine. Gwaine and Lance have been the most worried about you.” With that, they walked off.

“Princess! Princess’ sidekick! I’ve missed you!” Gwaine elbowed Merlin in the side. “He didn’t leave your side the whole time you were asleep.” Merlin and Arthur both blushed simultaneously. “I… better...go say hi to Leon and Lance.” Merlin walked away in a hurry. 

“You love him.” Gwaine stated simply. “Yes, unfortunately I can’t deny it. It would be foolish of me not to admit how good of a friend he is, as much as it pains me to say it.” 

“No. I mean you love him love him.” Arthur looked at Gwaine in pure shock. “Of course I don’t!” Gwaine shook his head with a smile. “One day Arthur, you’re going to wake up and realize what you have, but it’s going to be too late.” With that, Gwaine sauntered off.

That’s when Leon approached Merlin.

“Ah, Merlin! Glad to see you’re feeling better!” Leon said with a smile. “Yes, Gaius has me all back to normal.” Leon’s smile widened. “So how are you and Arthur?” Merlin frowned. “Same as always I guess. Why would anything be different?” Now it was Leon’s turn to frown. “So neither of you have made a move?” “Made a move?” Merlin stepped back, astonished. “Why in the world would we do that?” “Don’t be dense Merlin. You obviously love each other.” Merlin shook his head. “I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong idea Leon. I am not in love with Arthur.” Leon rolled his eyes. “We’ll see about that.”

Gwaine’s POV

“That did not go over well.” Leon sighed. “Me neither.” Gwaine replied. Suddenly, Leon could practically see the light bulb turn on in Gwaine’s head. “Gwaine, I know that look. What are you scheming?” Gwaine smiled. “I know just what to do.” 

Arthur’s POV

“Where did he get the ridiculous notion that I would like Merlin?” Arthur huffed to himself. Just then Merlin walked in with his laundry, a blush gracing his cheeks. He wondered if Merlin had been asked the same question. “Thank you Merlin.” He said as the servant excused himself. “What if I do like Merlin?”

Merlin’s POV 

“Arthur? Prince Arthur of Camelot?” Merlin laughed. Why in the world would he like him? He was a thick-headed, arrogant, royal arse with an adorable smile, beautiful eyes and bright, golden hair. “Oh crap.” He thought. “What if I do like Arthur?”

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