Five simple words

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I'm laying on the ground outside of the now destroyed Avengers compound. There is so much blood, though I'm not sure who's and I am fairly certain that my legs are both broken in multiple different places.

I groan trying to get up to start fighting again, but I only manage to turn myself just enough to get a glimpse of Thanos and Tony.

Wait! TONY!

A new found motivation to get to him and help him, overcome any pain I am experiencing. But an advil or two wouldn't hurt.

While trying to get off the ground, I talk/yell in to my earpiece,

"Is there any one else available!? We need help over here!" No responce.

"Anyone!!" I scream now desperate for help as I see Tony taking hold of the gauntlet.
I force my body to work with me and finally stand up only to see Tony has the infinity stones on his own hand.
He isn't very far from where I am so I suck it up and start running.

As I'm closing the distance between us, I look closer and he is about to snap.

I can't let him. I cant let a friend, another family member, and another father figure die, so with all my might I yell as loud as I can,

He looks up and with my enhanced hearing I pick up a faint, "kid?"

And I'm finally close enough so I lunge to him and immediately feel a pain like nothing I have ever felt before, I cant even imagine what the full might of the stones would feel like.
I quietly whisper,"We are doing this together" I keep one hand on his shoulder and kneel down like he does. He looks at me and I see a ghost of a smile. I give him a similar one.

Suddenly, we both feel at the same time, a lesson of the power and pain. We look over and see Steve with one hand on Tony's other shoulder kneeled down as well. I then feel a hand take mine and looking over I see Captain Marvel herself, Carol Danvers.

Everyone starts taking after the captain's and hold hands, while the pain slowly diminishes into a faint throb. All heroes on the field are there.
The Avengers, the Guardians, the Wakandians, and anyone else.

I look at Thanos and see the genuine fear rising in his eyes. There is hurt hidden there as well, because he knows in the mass of people are his two "daughters" fighting against him.

Tony looks at me and the rest of the team with tears and pride in his eyes. Then, he says five words that make everyone smile.

"And we are The Avengers"

And snaps.

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