The Intern (final)

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It's been a couple of months since I started interning for Tony and things have been going well so far. I come after school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then spend the whole day with him on Saturday. It gets difficult managing school, interning and Spiderman though, but I manage. The only downside is that recently SHEILD is on Tony for finding Spiderman.

Hopefully Mr. Stark is only book smart.

It's a Saturday and I'm finally accompanying Mr. Stark on a business meeting later today. I walk into the lab and see Tony hunched over a microscope, obviously frustrated.

"Hey Mr. Stark. What are you doing?"

"I'm looking at a blood sample." He responds without looking up. I put my stuff down and was about to say something else when he leans back in his chair, sighs and says,

"Stupid spider."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know that robot that started tearing up Queens?" I nod, "Well Spiderman stopped him and SHEILD sent me in to see if there was anything to track him by. Although he's new to the whole crime fighting thing, that stupid spider is a clean fighter. I found minimal to nothing at the scene. The minimal was that blood sample."

Oh god. But, it must not have worked if he isn't freaking out.


"Well lucky me, the masked hero can't be determined because his blood is too.....spidery." Tony says while putting his things away. I nod and take an unnoticeable breath of relief.

"That's to bad. You'll get him next time." I says as Pepper walks in.

"Ok, you guys have 15 minutes to get in the car before Happy goes without you. Also, a few rules. Tony, please try to pay attention. This meeting could really help the company and I don't need you offending them. Peter, can you please try to make him pay attention? Also, take notes please." She tells us while I help Mr. Stark clean up.

We finish and are about to head out the door before Pepper stops us again.

"One more thing. Tony I know you won't like this but you need to do it. They are very picky in security and they told me they would rather you not wear any weapons or anything of the sort. Iron man included," She looks at the time and pushes us out, but not before Tony says something,

"What?! How could they not feel safe with Iron man?!" Though his protests die soon as we reach the car with Happy waiting.

"Pepper told me to confiscate all of your stuff now." Happy said while holding out a box. Tony grumble but complies. We get in the car and I soon realize that I'm still wearing my webshooters.

They aren't noticeable at all though. I found an old watch and used some of the extra material from the lab and made it so when my wrists touched and I pressed a button that my web shooters would form on both wrists fully stocked with the web formula.

Fully stocked because I ran out once while swinging and almost falling to death from a skyscraper isn't fun. After that I made sure to restock every week.

Let's just hope it's enough to fool them.

We all keep conversation until we arrive at a sketchy warehouse with the logo of the company we are meeting. They said a warehouse because they don't want the possibility of an enemy following us and stealing their tech.

Super sketchy

"Ok kid, let's head in. " I can tell Tony is hesitant about this as well. We get out of the car and walk to the main door. It opens automatically and inside is an empty receptionist desk and a group of people by metal detectors.

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