The Intern (part 1)

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In this Peter made the homecoming suit himself, with help from Ned and he has no connections with Tony or any of the Avengers.

Tony's POV

"Tony, we need to talk." I hear my lovely fiance say as I'm tinkering in my lab. Those words are never good.

"About what darling dearest?" I said as innocent as I can muster.
She simply rolls her eyes and say, "You didn't do anything wrong. I want to talk about something that may benefit you."

"Which is what?" Confused, I set down my tools and walk over trying to get a guess of what she's talking about.

"The world still sees you as a selfish person, even with all the money you donate, it isn't enough. Even then, you might benefit personally from it"

"You lost me." I am so confused.

"Tony, I believe it would be a good idea to get a personal intern." I go to protest but she puts up her hand, "Before you say no, having an intern may show people you want to help others who want to do work like you and I'm not talking about Iron man. I'm talking about the environmental things SI is doing."
I go to protest again and she stops me again
"And it might be good for you to share the work for less stress and maybe they could knock some since into you about eating and sleeping right. Also, before you say no, I have already picked a high school. Midtown Tech. I'm having all students take a test that our workers take and Friday will look into the backgrounds of the top ten scores. The best background out of the scores will start next Monday.

I stand there flabbergasted. Because Pepper already did it, there is no going back now even though I could, I wont face her wrath. She walks out and I think to myself,

"What am I going to do?"

Peter's POV

"What am I going to do?" I ask Ned at lunch.

"Well you could quit" He responds while eating his sandwich.

"I cant quit Decathlon to keep making repairs to the suit. I've quit almost everything else, it will get more suspicious than it already is. We need to find a more durable material." I say finishing my chips.

"How in the world are we going to find a more durable material to stop bullets. First, we would have to completely remake the suit. Then we would have to fix all the kinks. If you don't want to get shot, that would be a couple months of no spiderman. And that's at the least!" He finishes as we walk to are next class.

"Yeah, I know. I'll see you later man." I wave to him setting off to English, my last class of the day.

I get to class and get ready for the torment of Flash, right behind me.

"Yo, puny, are you excited to see me get an internship at Stark Industries." He said while kicking my chair.

I say confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Ok everyone quiet down. I am going to explain what we are doing quickly to give you the rest of the period to work on it. Stark Industries is looking for one of the students in the school to  become Tony Starks personal intern. In order to try to become that, you are going to take the entry test all of the employees have to take. The top ten scores will be considered and the intern will be picked. So I will pass out the test and you can get started." My English teacher says quickly and I am momentarily stunned. This cannot be real.

I know for sure it is when she hands me the test. The first questions look easy enough so I go through the first page pretty quick. The questions get progressively harder, but it's not that bad.

I was surprised when looking up, there were about 15 minutes left and nobody else was even close to being done, so I went back to the front page to recheck my answers.

Ring ring

"Alright everyone, that's the bell. Turn in your test to the front and have a good rest of your day!"

Putting my test on the front desk, I run out of the building and into the nearest alleyway.

Time to be Spiderman.

Peter Parker/Spiderman OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now