Bad Day

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Takes place after Far From Home but Peter's identity wasn't revealed and Tony is alive and slowly recovering.
T.W: Bullying and slight self deprecating sentences.

"Peter for the third time! Get up or you are going to be late!" May yelled.

Currently, Peter Parker was hating himself for staying out so late. Or early. He didn't get back home until 5 a.m. And he could feel the wrath of a migraine coming on.

"Fantastic." He thought bitterly.

He slowly got up and got dressed, choosing a pair of jeans and a hopefully washed sweat shirt.

"There you are! You have got to go if you want to catch the subway!" May said as she threw a piece of toast at him.

"And don't forget Happy is picking you up from school to see the Starks!"

"I won't May! I larb you!" Peter yelled as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door.

He luckily wasn't late for the train, but he did forget medicine for his head.

"What a fantastic day." He quietly said to himself.

As he walked inside the school and to his locker he saw his best friend and girlfriend waiting.

"Hey man!" Ned greeted.


"You look like hell." Mj commented.

"Thanks, I haven't noticed." He replied while getting ready for first period.

"Okay. Point taken. Tired Peter is a snappy Peter." Mj said.

"I'm sorry Mj. Go ahead and tell me 'I told you so' because I didn't get back to the apartment until 5."

"I told you so." She replied while smirking.

"You idiot! And Flash is in a bad mood so you are in for an amazing day." Ned said while the trio head for their first period class.

"Speaking of amazing days, do either of you have Advil or Tylenol or something?"

"I am a girlfriend to a superhero, of course I have Advil." Mj replied.

~Time Skip~

So far in Peter Parker's terrible, no good, very bad day
- migraine still bad; turning into sensory overload
- didn't finish History homework and failed
- forgot to study for English test and failed
- everyone talking about Flashes monumental bad mood

"And it's not even lunch." He thought while listing his unfortunate events.

"Where's your lunch?"

Add that to the list.

He laid his head on the table (for once his metabolism wasn't making him hungry) in hopes to calm his headache. Artificial lighting sucked.

"Here. I don't think you taken any since this morning." Mj said as she handed him more Advil and water.

"Thank you." He mumbled when he lifted his head to take the medicine. But his eyes were met with ones that he was not in the mood for.

"Hey Parker, what are doing? Wallowing in your self pity? Hating your self for forgetting your lunch? Or how about being so selfish as to think your smarter than everyone!?" Flash practically yelled. Mj started rubbing Peter's back trying to calm him from the anger radiating off him.

"Everybody has noticed. You being weirder after The Snap and our Europe trip. Do you want to know my theory? You are living in some sick delusion where you think that everything that has happened involves you. It's pathetic that you think you matter that much. Maybe we should have left you in Europe to go to wherever you disappeared to. Or maybe Thanos should have kept you as dust." All eyes were on Flash and Peter. All ears too. You could here a pin drop.

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