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Includes original 6 with Bucky and Peter. After homecoming and far from home (No end credits). Infinity war and endgame never happened.

No one's POV

"I have called you all here because there is an issue. You all no longer work as a team. You think you do, but you don't. You all argue about every little thing and are split without knowing it. So, once I leave this room, it will be turned into a virtual reality room where you will see each other's fears. Good luck." Fury explained quickly. He left and the chairs they were sitting on were pulled out from under them and the table decended into the floor. It was an empty room.

Everyone was secretly worried others wouldnt get their fears or they would be ridiculed.

"This is stupid. Sure we may not work together well but we shouldnt have to do this crap." Clint complains.

"For once I agree with you bird brain." Tony says. A loud ringing goes through the room.

"Its starting." Natasha states. The rest stayed silent, wondering who starts. Suddenly, Thors hammer is in the middle of the room and so is a holographic Thor. When he trys to lift it, it doesnt budge and he disappears.

Peter looks at Thor as the hologram plays over and over, everyone seems memorized, trying to find out what it means.

"He's afraid he isnt worthy." Tony says. Thor has tears in his eyes.

"No," Peter argues, "He is afraid that if he doesnt have the hammer, he's nothing. That he will be forgotten." Everyone goes silent.

"You dont have to worry about us forgetting you. You will always be one of us. With or without the hammer." Bruce puts in.

Everyone nods and says similar things.

"Thank you, friends" Thor says smiling.

Another bell is heard.

"That must have ended it. Good observation Peter." Steve says.

"Yeah, that went deeper than we thought." Natasha agrees.

The walls of the room then turn a glowing, light blue color and a voice is heard.

"You have no control."

"Brother?" Thors asks.

"Loki." Steve says.

"Your afraid of my brother?" He says slightly offended.

"No, he's afraid of not being in control and being controlled." Bucky says. Natasha goes over and hugs the crying archer.

"Its okay. You are in control. You are here." She tells him.

"Peter and I can work on something to prevent mind control." Tony offers.

"Really? Cool!" Peter says quite loudly. Loudly enough that Clint is reminded where he is and starts laughing at Peters interest. Soon everyone joins in and a ring is heard.

"We are getting good at this!" Clint says, triumphitly.

"Don't get cocky." Nat practically threatens.

"Alright, alright." He has his hands up in mock surrender.

A roar is heard and we are transported to the Hulk destroying downtown New York.

This is definitly Bruce.

"Hulk taking control?" Tony asks.

"Can't be that simple." Nat disagrees.

"Maybe it is." Thor adds.

"But, that was just my fear. It doesnt make sense!" Clint shouts.

While the rest join in on fighting, Peter notices Bruce shaking violently on the ground. He runs over and Bruce starts talking.

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