That's new

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Loki's POV

Where is my oaf of a brother.

I have been waiting in the foyer of the common room for 5 minutes!

My idiot father is making me stay in New York with Thor as punishment for my crimes. Which I guess is better than listening to Odins lectures.

I hear a ding of the elevator and I assume it's my brother. A knife forms in my hand.

Peters POV

Today hasn't been the greatest day ever so when I'm on my way to the common room and my spidey sense goes off, I'm really not surprised.

But dodgeing a knife was surprising.

And seeing who threw it wasn't the best either.

Loki's POV

"You are a child!? I didn't know the avengers were desperate enough to hire children?" It just blinks.

"What are you doing here?" It asks me while walking toward me like I'm not a villian that destroyed New York.

"Looking for my brother."

"Oh, well he and the others are on a mission and won't be back until tomorrow."

The boy goes to the kitchen and sets his bag on a chair.

"What are you doing here?" Why is a child here?

"I'm staying here until my aunt comes back from a vacation in Europe. So if you are staying here, you will be seeing me for a couple of months." He comes over to me and holds out his hand, "I'm Peter by the way."

"I assume you know who I am."

"Yeah, you're Loki. You destroyed New York, but your mind was being controlled. I don't blame you." He said like it was nothing. What a strange mortal.

"Well, I dont know what you like to do for fun, but there are video games in the living room, plenty of food, and if you ask nicely, I'm sure Friday would take you to the library here. Isnt that right Fri?"

"That is true Mr. Parker."

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going...out and I dont you want you to be bored or just wander around waiting." He attaches something to his wrists and walks to the elevator as I follow.

"See you later Mr. Loki." He waves and is gone.

That child is like no mortal I have ever met. And he doesn't blame me.

I'm still standing, staring at the closed elevator when I snap out of whatever trance I was in.

"Friday?" Is that the name? "Could you direct me to the library?"

"Of course."

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

It has been a few hours and I have not yet heard from the child, but have read over half the library.

"Sir, it appears that Peter has crashed through a window on the floor above you. He is in bad shape." The ceiling says.

"Why are you telling me?" I say while getting worried for the boy. I put down my book and put my full attention to Friday.

"You are the only on here. He told me to tell you as well."

"Take me to him." I am lead to the elevator, when I wonder, how in the world did he crash through the window this high up?

The door opens and the first thing in my line of sight is the boy in a pool of blood, in a red and blue suit.

"Hey Mr. Loki." He said, obviously in pain, "If it's no trouble to you, could you help me?"

I hesitate. Im not normally asked for help and I don't help anyway. But he was nice to me. Didn't blame me.

I move toward him.

"Don't move."

I quickly heal him and clean up the mess, while he looks in awe.

"So cool." He whispers.

"Care to explain why you got stabbed and are in that suit." I ask while helping him up. We walk to the common room and he explains.

"I'm sure you figured out that I'm Spiderman." I nod as we sit on the couch, "Someone was being robbed in an allyway and there where more people than I thought. I was caught off guard." Looking at his feet, I could tell he was upset. Something was pulling me to help him.

"Why are you upset?"

"It was a stupid mistake that could have gotten me killed! If you weren't here I don't know if I would have survived. My healing factor is good but the wound went straight through and I lost a lot of blood. It would have been trying to fix blood loss not the wound." He said with tears in his eyes.

I use my magic and with a snap of my fingers he is changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants, with his suit cleaned and folded on the counter.

"Everyone makes mistakes, even superheroes, for they are still learning to. This time it's a lesson to be more aware. You are not perfect Peter and you will continue to make mistakes, but they will lessen because you will learn. Get over it." I tell him.

"Thanks." He says with a smile, "Have you ever seen Star Wars?"

~~~~Time skip😜~~~~

No one's POV

The Avengers were tired to say the least. Except Thor. And when they asked why,

"My brother is waiting at the tower."  

And then Tony woke everyone by saying,


But when they arrived to see a sleeping god and spider-kid on the couch with Star Wars playing, it was definitely not what they were expecting. And in his-to-tired-to-care-and-Peter-isn't-in any-danger-mindset, Tony said,

"That's new."

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