The Intern (part 3)

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My last class of the day is finally over and I rush out of the building, but not to be spiderman, to go to SI.

To be honest, I'm kind of freaking out.

What if I screw up? What if I offend THE Tony Stark? What if he finds out I'm spiderman?!

As I'm having a mini panic attack, the subway reaches my stop and I prep myself to be practically trampled.

Walking up the steps, out of the subway, I notice an elderly man struggling to walk down. I go over to help him.

"Do you need help sir?"

"Oh that would be greatly appreciated young man." I help him down and when I get ready to go back up, he stops me.

"Dont worry about it. You will do great." I smile at him and leave with the strange feeling that I've seen him before.

Walking forward I can see Stark Tower getting closer and I start to panic.

"Come on Parker. Pull yourself together!" I scold myself.

Reaching the doors of SI, I breathe in a breath and walk in.

The inside is insanely big and frankly quite intimidating. I look at it in awe and walk to the receptionists desk.

"Hello there, are you lost young man?" She asks.

"Ah no, I'm here for the Stark Internship. My name is Peter Parker ma'am." I really dont feel like getting kicked out.

She types into her computer scepticly and with obvious surprise she hands me a card and tells me to wait a moment. She gives a call and lucky me, it's nothing good. With my enhanced hearing I hear this amazing news,

"Hello Mr. Hogan, I believe we have a possible security breach. I have a kid here who claims to have an internship........ Are you sure?....... Okay." She then turns to me and says, "You can go up into that elevator and tell Friday who you are." I thank her and walk to the elevator.

Luckily, I catch it when no one is in there.

"Hello? My name is Peter Parker." I say to absolutely no one. My spidey sense tingles and I hear this,

"Hello Mr. Parker. Boss has been anticipating your arrival. I am sending you to floor 94 now.

"Ok. Thank you Ms. Friday."

"Your welcome Mr. Parker." I then wait in silence as the elevator goes up. What do I do when the doors open? How will I know where to go?

The doors open and I am greeted with a sight I thought I would have time to prepare for.

I see Tony Stark.

Mentally fanboying, I step off and he greets me.

"Peter Parker. Nice to finally meet you. I'm guessing you know who I am, but Pep likes formality. I'm Tony Stark." He holds out his hand and I shake it saying,

"Yeah, uh, that's me. Nice to meet you sir."

"Please, dont call me sir. Makes me feel old. Follow me." He starts walking down a hallway and I follow.

"This is where the magic happens." Then he tells Friday to open the door. Inside I see more tech and tools that I could ever imagine.

"This is insane. You work here all the time! Are these all prototypes? How long does it take you to make one? And how," I start talking with a smile on my face but soon slap my hand over my mouth in realization of what's happening.

"I'm rambling. Sorry." I apologize sheepishly. He chuckles and is about to speak when I hear another faint laugh from the door way.

"Just a little, but that's alright. You sound like Tony when he gets going about a project idea. He rambles then rushes to the lab to start before he forgets." THE Pepper Potts tells me, "Well I was planning to have a meeting with the three of us about you starting on Monday, but it seems Tony has other plans." She says to Tony accusingly.

"Hey, how can he be my intern when he has no idea what I'm working on or my dynamic in working." He shoots back.

Apparently I didn't plan for my spiderman charisma because before I can stop it I say,

"Seems the only dynamic in here is works on something and shove it to the side and repeat." Looking around, the place really was a mess and I slap my hand over my mouth again.

Before I can repeatedly apologize Pepper bursts out laughing and Tony soon follows.

"Looks like you may have met your match Tony." She says in between laughs.

"Geez kid, no one told me about your sass." He also says in between laughs. At this point I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato.

"I am so sorry. It kind of just came out."

"Hey, no need to apologize kid. To be honest I was definitely sceptical about having an intern but you are making this process a lot easier."

"I'm glad you changed your mind Tony. Why dont we go and settle everything quickly, then you two can come back here before you have to leave. That's sound good?" Pepper tells us.

"That sounds great, Ms. Potts."

"I agree with the kid, let's get the boring stuff out of the way first." Pepper starts off and we soon follow behind.

I guess I was freaking out for nothing.

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