What Matters Most

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Infinity War and Endgame never happened, Civil War happened but they talked it out like adults. Far From Home happened so, spoilers.
Trigger Warning: Suicidal thoughts

"Spiderman's name... Spiderman's name is Pet-... Spiderman's name is Peter Parker!"

This event occured about 5 months ago and everything Peter has done to gain superhero status, has gone to waste. There were warrants out for his arrest, a huge reward hanging over his head, constant death threats to him AND his aunt, it got to a point where he was about ready to give up. About 4 months ago, he did.

Spiderman hasn't been spotted for 4 months. Peter Parker hasn't been seen by anyone except the Avengers, May, Ned and Mj for 4 months.

Peter Parker hasn't been seen by anyone except the Avengers and May for 3 months.

Peter Parker hasn't been seen by anyone except the Avengers for 2 months.

Peter Parker hasn't been seen by anyone for 1 month.

Present Day - Decathlon Practice

No body spoke.

That was what happened after it was revealed. First panic, then silence. Panic for their hero, their teammate, and their friend. To silence because no body knew the answer to this question.

"What now?" For New York, for them, for him.

Mj is not one to give up, so she takes a chance.

Hands slammed down on the table and all heads swiveled to their captain. She was up and was not about to back down from a chance to save their friend.

"We know, from May, that Peter has been M.I.A. completely for the past month. We have to do something about it. And what if we can?" Whispers spread like wildfire through the teens, "Every single one of us was on that trip and everyone of us has phones. How many if you took a video of those 'monsters'?" Everyone raised their hand, "Exactly, there has to be something we missed, some proof that Mysterio is the one responsible and we have EDITH. There has to be something." Silence, "Come on! We owe it to Peter, he has saved everyone of us, getting himself seriously hurt in the process. Some of you he has just saved out on patrol. Come on. We know the real story, we know what happened, and we know that with or without the mask, he would never do such a thing." They were all scared. What would happen to them if they helped? Her next words shocked them. "Please, I, Michelle Jones, am begging, help me save Peter."

"She's right." Mj was shocked to see Flash up and talking, "Me and Peter never got along. I was mean to him and he still saved me. Even if, years from now, he was charged with murder, I would straight up laugh. He has too big of a heart to hurt anyone, even the worst of criminals. She's right. Its our turn to help him. Count me in."

"Me too." Ned.

"Im in." It continued until everyone was standing, even Brad and the Teachers.

"So, how do we do this? I can't analyze the footage properly with the school tech or mine, it would overwork my system and fail and we don't know where Peter is." Ned said.

"We go to May. She can get us in contact with Tony and the Avengers so hopeful they can help with the search if they aren't already looking." Mj replied.

"Tony as in Tony Stark?" Someone asked.

"He told you he interned there." Ned said.

"Didn't think he was telling the truth." Flash mumbled.

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