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Stupid title because im uncreative and haven't posted and im sorry. Civil war happened but they talked it out. Tony didn't sell the tower but homecoming happened.

"Hey Tony! Finally your done with the meeting. Let's get this movie night started!" Clint yelled as Tony walked out of the elevator.

As everyone settled in the living room, Clint turned the tv on to get a movie ready.

"...breaking news..." Was all the heros could here before Clint changed the channel.

"Barton go back." Steve asked.

"Ugh. What is with you and depressing news?" Sam fired back.

"What if its another villain we need to take care of?"

"Fine." Clint whined.

"There was a terrible crash involving a school bus and a semi truck. Information reports that the school bus was coming back from a field trip when the semi hit the bus and sent it into a ditch. The driver of the semi was unharmed and miraculously no student was hurt either."

"Are you happy now capsicle?" Tony said. Steve only glared.

"Oh my goodness... This just in that no one was harmed in the bus crash because Spiderman saved them all." This got everyone's attention. They liked the web slinger, though most don't know who is because of overprotective Tony.

"It seems that Spiderman was not there on time but his civilian self was on the bus. He saved everyone involved. But when authority's got to the scene, spiderman aka student Peter Parker was unconscious and severely hurt. He is at the hospital receiving treatment as we speak."

"No. No. No." Tony mumbled. A suit formed around him and was out the window before anyone told him no.

He got to the hospital as crowds of people grew at the door and pushed his way in as Tony Stark.

"Where is Peter?!" He asked the receptionist.

"Im sorry but due to the circumstance we cannot give that information out. Even so, we are only permitting family to see him." Tony was about to burst.

"That's my kid in there! Possibly dying and you think I won't find a way to adopt him right now?" He thought to himself. He was about to talk when,

"Where is my nephew?! Where is Peter?!"

"I need id ma'am." The receptionist said. May have her id and noticed Tony.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. I trying calling you on my way here but you weren't picking up and..."

"May, I need you to calm down or you'll hyperventilate."

"Ok ma'am follow me. And you Mr. Stark, stay here."

"No, he is coming with. Peter sees him as a father. He's coming." May objected.

"Fine. Follow me." Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

The three raced through the halls of the hospital and finally reached Peter's room. The doctor came out to greet them.

"How is he?" May and Tony ask.

"He's doing just fine. We had to do surgery in order to remove some of the deeper and bigger glass shards and pieces of metal. We also re-set his shoulders and gave him a cast for his left foot. He's sleeping now and should be good to go soon with his healing."

"Did he wake up during surgery?" He knew the kid needed more anesthesia than even cap.

"No. On the way to the hospital, one of the EMT's noticed his wounds closing far to quickly and she took a sample of blood and figured out how much medicine to give him. You can go see him too."

"Thank you!" They both responded. They walked in to see a sleeping Peter Parker.

"Does Peter really see me as a father?" Tony asked quietly to not wake him up. May smiled.

"Yeah. Whenever he comes back from a mission or when he's been at the tower, he talks about what you and him have been working on or how you thought his plans where good ideas on missions. He looks up to you and he wants to be like you. Peter lost his father and his uncle Ben who was like another father figure. I'm a parent figure and I love him to death but sometimes a boy needs a dad. He deserves it." Tony's was about to say something when they heard,

"Aunt May? Tony? How did I get here?" Peter asked looking around.

"You're in the hospital honey. Do you remember what happened?" May responded.

"I remember getting hit by that semi and using my webs without my suit to protect my friends and classmates. Oh no. Do they know?"

"Whole world knows. You certainly will be on the front page for a while. But I wouldn't worry to much." Tony said.

"Not worry?! Everyone knows! Aunt May, im putting you in even more danger! What do people think! What does my school think! What..."

"Kid. Relax. If you want, I can have you both moved into the tower by tomorrow. And why don't you look out the window." Peter sat in his bed, which was next to the window, to look out as May opened the blinds.

Hundreds of people who were crowded by the hospital doors with signs saying things like,

"Thank you Peter!"

"You're the best!"

"Go Spiderman!"

And people shouted,

"We love you!"

"Get well soon!"

"I know him!"

"You're my hero!

Peter was smiling like crazy. Even buildings were lit up red and blue.

"Wow." Was all the spider-ling said.

"I'm so proud of you Peter!" May said while giving him a side hug.

"Me too kid." Tony said, copying Mays actions.

Soon after Peter was released, he and May took up Tony's offer and moved into the tower. The avengers were excited to see the spider more. Nothing really went back to normal for Peter either. School was a mess but he had Ned and Mj and he couldn't walk around New York streets for fun anymore without getting crowded by reporters.

Though positives were that people came up to him, hugging and thanking him, for saving lives. And he's wasn't bullied again. Tony and May have shared custody and he couldn't be more grateful for his family, new or old.

Peter was overall happy with his new life and he was ready for whatever else life threw at him.

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