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This is something I've had in my drafts for a while so I apologize if it's rushed and bad. It went from Peter centered to Bucky centered so I don't know where my head was going with this.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter said skipping into the lab.

"Hello. You're more hyper than usual. What's going on?" Tony said while putting down what he was working on.

"Because May got that promotion I was talking about and the internship here, she finally agreed on letting us get a puppy!"

Peters internship turned to a paying one when the billionaire found out about money struggles for Peter and May, but they don't need to know that was the reason.

"That's great kid! Any ideas on what breed?"

"Not really, we're going to a shelter tomorrow. Hey, do you wanna go with?" Peter asked getting his homework out.

"Wish I could, but I have a meeting to go to." Peter looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You would never go to a meeting voluntarily. Pepper making you?"

"Yes she is." Pepper Potts herself said as she walked into the room.

"Hey Pepper." Peter said when she gave him a hug.

"Hey Pete. You know, if you want someone to go with you and May, ask one of the Avengers." She said.

"A lot of them are going on a mission tomorrow though." Tony added.

"Well, whose not." Peter asked.

"I'm not sure." He replied.

"Oh, Bucky is staying. I know you two are friends." Pepper said.

"Cool! Is he here? I'll go ask him now!" Peter said while running out of the lab to go find the assassin.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Hey Mr. Barnes!" Peter said while walking into the common room.

"Hey Peter. I've told you to just call me Bucky. What's up?" The man said, pausing the show he was watching.

"Well, May finally agreed to getting a dog and I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the shelter with us?" He said shyly.

"You really want me to go with?"

"I figured I would ask. I wanted the whole team to go but everyone seems to be busy. Plus, Mr. Rogers told me you liked dogs, so if your free you're welcome to come." Bucky saw Peter as a brother so of course he wasn't going to say no.

"What time?"

~~~Time Skip again~~~

"What kind of dog are you thinking?" Ned asked as the trio walked out of school after the last bell had rung.

"I have no idea."

"Is that your ride, loser?" Mj asked, curiously looking to where cars were parked. Bucky was driving him to the shelter and Aunt May was meeting them there.

Peter looked over and sure enough Bucky had brought the car meant for getting attention. It was a black Audi with the engine still running. It was just as expensive as it looked. Bucky was leaning against it waiting for him. His arm was covered in a hoodie but some people still recognized him.

"That's the Winter Soldier!"

"Is he here to kill someone?"

"What's he doing here?"

People were definitely surprised when they saw Peter approaching the car. Even more so when he got in.

"What's with the car?" Peter asked.

"Tony never let's me drive it. He's not here now. You excited?"

"Yeah I am! Though still no idea what type of dog."

"You'll know when you see it."

They reached the shelter and Peter was bouncing with joy.

"There you are. I thought I would have to pick a dog for you." May joked, hugging her nephew, "I'm May. Its nice to meet you."

"Bucky." He said, shaking her outstretched hand.

"You ready Peter?" May asked.

"Yeah!" Peter replied as they were lead to the back.

The three were met with barks, growls, and rows of dogs. Peter was beaming with excitement.

"Both of you, go look for a dog." A very familiar voice said. The trio turned around and saw the star spangled man himself.

"Hey Mr. Rogers!"

"Steve? What are you doing here?" Bucky asked confused.

"While Peter was looking for you, he ran into me and told me what he was doing. I figured it would be nice for you to get a dog. Tony said he would even get a trainor if you want."

"Thank you Steve." Bucky said.

Steve pushed them both to go find a dog.

When Steve and May were talking, Bucky asked Peter,

"Did you know about this?"

"Yeah." He shyly replied. Bucky smiled at the younger boy and they continued to look.

"Look at this one!" Peter exclaimed. In the kennel was a blue staffy puppy playing with some toys.

"Just as hyper as the kid." Bucky thought.

"Aww. She's adorable." Peter said while petting the dog through the bars.

"Do you want her Peter?" May asked.

"I think so."

"What about you Bucky? See a dog you want?" Steve asked. Bucky shrugged,

"Not really, though we haven't seen them all yet."

The two walked further back while Peter was still cooing at the puppy he saw.

They looked around for about 10 minutes when Bucky saw her.

A beautiful golden retriever.

He knelt down to the dogs level and let her sniff his non metal hand.

"I like her." Bucky said, smiling at the dog.

"Alright, then let's take her home."

Peter and May met back up with them and they walked to the front to bring their dogs home.

"Do you have names prepared?" The clerk asked.



"Then congratulations! You both are now official dog owners."

Alpine and Tessa were brought out, the two of them already getting along and the four of them go their separate ways.

Let's just say the rest of the Avengers were very confused to see dog bowls in the kitchen.

Im sorry for being MIA, but I'm not dead! I really want to get back into writing more often but I'm running out of ideas so it would really help if you all just sort of spat out ideas for avengers life. I hope that you all are healthy and doing well and again I am very sorry for the wait! Thank you!

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