Happy Fathers Day

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No one's POV

It's fathers day and Peter is putting the finishing touches on his present for Tony. He sees Tony as a father figure and even if he doesn't feel the same way, Peter wants him to know.

Swinging over to the tower for their lab day, he can feel his anxiety spike. Though before he can worry more, Tony is opening the window for him to swing through.

"Hey kid. Are you ever going to go through the front? Or a door?" Tony asks jokingly.

"Ha ha very funny. But I'm a spider and they obviously don't use doors." He jokes back.

"Well lets get to work. I have some new ideas for your suit."

Peter presses a button and his suit deforms around him. He decided earlier to give the present when he left. So he waited.
~~~~~ time skip

Some time has passed and it was time for Peter to leave. While Tony bent down to pick something up, he slid the present across his desk before Tony stood up.

They said their goodbyes and Spiderman was swinging through the window, to save New York.

Tony goes to sit at his desk when a package caught his eye.

"That wasnt there before." He thought. It was addressed to him and he was bored so he opened it.

The first thing that he saw in the box was a letter. This letter read,

Dear Mr. Stark,

When you are reading this, I will hopefully be gone to avoid any embarrassment. To help jog your memory, today is fathers day and I wanted to get you something to say what has been on my mind for a while.

Ever since Ben died, I was kind of alone. Yes I had May and I'm greatful but it just wasnt the same. I had no one to teach me things that Dads where supposed to teach their kids.

Then I met you.

You've been one of my idols for so long and getting to meet you was incredible. But getting work under you? Study under you? Fight with you? That truly changed my life.

As we were together more and more I noticed that you have been taking over for my father figure without you knowing it. You help me with my homework, you help me with spiderman, and you believe in me.

You believed in me when everyone thought you were crazy to recruite a 15 year old kid.

And with that I wanted to say thank you. For being my friend, for being my mentor, and being my father.

Peter Parker

By the time Tony finished reading the letter, he had tears in his eyes.

His kid felt the same as he did and he did all of this just to tell him.

But what really opened the floodgates, was his present.

It was a home made album titled, "Dad and I" and inside were tons of pictures of Peter and Tony being goofy, serious, happy and there was one of Tony sleeping. And in everyone of those pictures, they both had genuine smiles on their faces.

Tony had tears streaming down his face, but they were tears of joy.

And you can imagine the emotion when they next saw each other. They hugged, they cried, and hugged some more, though the cherry on top was,

"I'm proud of you son."

"Thanks dad"

When they made it official.

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