Field Trip

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He was screwed. That was a fact as Peter stared at the paper that was staring up at him.

"Field trip to Queens Museum(?)" in bold letters. Next week. Which is the exact date Tony told him the Avengers where going to give a speech to a class on a field trip at the exact same place. 

Walking out of class with Ned, he told him, "Maybe I can fake being sick. Or you could break my leg."

"I'm not breaking your leg because you don't want to go and Bruce would just say your lying. Maybe this is a good thing and this might teach Flash a lesson."

"Crap, I forgot about him. If they find out about him bulling me, they'll skin him."

"You're over reacting. It will be fine. I gotta go, see ya." Ned waved and left. Peter saw Happy's car and made his way over until he was stopped.

"Where are you going, Parker? I don't believe we have had our daily chit chat." Flash grabbed him by the hood of his oversized sweatshirt and threw Peter to the floor. Of course he could fight back, but he won't, he can't.

"Pathetic. Useless. Worthless. That's what you are. And no matter what anyone says, it will always be true." That was what he said after he hit Peter a few times and then left. 

"His hits don't hurt, but the words still sting." Peter thought. He got up and walked to where Happy was waiting.

As he got in the car,

"What was that, Peter?" Happy asked. Peter froze.

"What was what?"

"Don't act like that kid didn't just beat you up. Why didn't you do anything?"

"Because if it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. It doesn't even hurt. It's fine. I'm fine. Can you promise me you won't tell the others?"

"Kid, I-"

"Please, Happy." Happy looked in the rearview mirror and saw the puppy eyes of Peter Parker. He looked so desperate.

"Fine." Happy grumbled.

The rest of the ride was silent.

When they got to the tower Peter went straight to his room and went on patrol, without saying anything.

"What happened Happy." Tony asked.

"I promised the kid I wouldn't tell." By this point, all of the Avengers were in the living room ready to interrogate until he told.

"But I never said I wouldn't show you. Friday play the video please."

"Of course Mr. Hogan." The AI played the video and to say they were angry was an understatement.

"Before you kill him, their class, including Peter are going to the museum you all are going to next week. The class you are talking to is them." Happy reminded them as he headed to the elevator, "Maybe if you ask now, Pepper will agree to go."

Every Avenger in that room got a smirk on there face that could only mean trouble.

"Friday, call Pepper please." Tony asked his AI.

"Calling Ms. Potts."

"For the last time, whoever is calling me, I am not going to the Museum." She said obviously irritated.

"Even when it involves protecting Peter?" She goes silent.

"I'm listening."

~~~~~ Time Skip~~~~~

"Can you at least consider breaking any bone?" Peter pleaded, "Come on Mj, I know you would. Please!"

"No, watching you suffer is giving me ideas for drawing. Smile." She said as she took a picture and walked on the bus.

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