The Rogue Avengers (part 1)

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Rhodey's POV

The Rogue Avengers are coming back and Tony is not ok. His anxiety is off the hook and he's locked him self in his lab. Pepper is away on business and I dont know where Team Ironman is.

But I think I have an idea.

After the fight Tony has been hanging out with the unmasked Spiderman. I still don't know who he is but whenever Tony comes back from being with him, he's happier. Pepper has noticed it as well but doesn't know who the guy is either. So I started snoopping around his lab when he's not there and found out the guys name is Peter Parker. Though, nothing else.

I've decided, with Pepper on my side, to bring him here when the Rogues come.

Now I just need to find him.

Peter's POV

I was at home doing homework when I heard the door knock and my spider sense warned me of a surprise. Aunt May got the door and I heard someone asking for me.

"Yeah I can go get him." She walks into my room, "Peter, there is someone at the door asking for you."


"Uhh, War Machine." My eyes widen and I got to see if it's true.

It is.

"Hi Peter, is there somewhere we can talk?"

"I was about to go get groceries so I'll just be going." When she left I saw a notification on my phone

- If your spidey sense says get out, get out. Love you!

I smile and lead him to the dining room.

"Sooo, uh, do you need anything? Water? Tea?" I curse myself and my awkwardness. He laughs and walks over to me.

"I have got to say Peter, you are definitely younger than I thought you were."


"Let me cut to the chase. I know you are Spiderman," I go to say something, "Before you say anything, the Rogues are coming back and me and Pepper both agree you should be there for Tony."

"The Rogues?" He nods.

"I told him not to do it." I say quietly.


"I told that stupid, genius not to do it! I know what Rogers did to him. I know that Black Widow switched sides and I  know the Accords were only to drive the Avengers apart. I told him, for his mental health, not to let them near him!" Tony really is an idiot!

"They are coming tomorrow and..."

"I'm in. Just dont tell anyone I'm Spiderman please." I said. He smiled,

"Come by the tower after school, they should be there by then." We said our goodbyes and once he left I got to thinking how the Rouges had whats coming for them.

Tony's POV

Why me?

Really why me?

Why did I not listen to everyone who told me this is a bad idea?

Because I'm stubborn.

They are coming in only a matter of hours and I am freaking out. They betrayed and tried to kill me, but I still help them, because the world doesnt need Earths Mightest Heros to be a complete mess.

"Boss the Rogues are in the elevator." Friday's words cause my heart beat to increase.

I'm not ready. Not at all.

Before I can race into my lab, the elevator doors open to reveal Steve Rogers and the rest of the war criminals.

"Stark" Steve holds out his hand.

"Rogers" I shake it, "Welcome back everyone." Im shaking.

"Sir, your heart rate is rapidly increasing. Shall I call someone?" I can hear Fri say.

"No I'm fine." I say through gritted teeth. I wont have any sort of attack in front if them so I think of times when I'm ok. When I'm with Pepper. When I'm with Happy and when I'm with Rhodey. And when I'm with Peter.

I remember us blowing stuff up in the lab. When we fall asleep on the couch in the lab. When I help him with homework. Do I think of Peter as more of a son figure than and intern?

Yes, yes I do.

I start to calm down, but then remember who is in my living room and panic again. Its getting harder to stop this time.

Then I hear a sound.

Its the elevator doors opening.

And I see a curly haired, doe eyed Peter Parker.

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