That's my kid

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Based on pic I saw on Pinterest, but during Endame.

More Tony focused

No one's POV.

This was it. Thanos had the stones and all heros were on the ground, hurt. Tony's armor was practically gone and he was severely hurt.

"Looks like you lose again, Avengers." Thanos says.

"Not while I'm still standing." People near the voice, including Tony turn to look at the hero facing Thanos. To Tony's horror, it was Peter.

"And what can a little bug do to me?" He taunts.

"Spiders are arachnids." Peter tells him. Not many people notice, but Tony does. By the sound of the kids voice, he was scared.

Using his agility, Peter was able to avoid being caught by the Titan and even managed to hit him. Though, it didnt last long.

Peter made the wrong move at the wrong time and ended up with Thanos holding him around the neck and hoisting him up like a hunter and its prey. He struggled, trying to pry his hand off his neck, but to no avail. He was losing oxygen and was struggling less and less.

"You are an annoying little bug. It would be better if you were out of my way." Thanos says. He uses the power of the stones on Peter and the young avenger goes flying. He hits the ground hard and doesn't move, barely breathes.

"NO!" These heros have never heard anything more concerned or feeling filled from the Genius. They were even more surprised when he got up.

The original 6 and Pepper take one look at Tony and can easily say they have never seen a more serious look on his face. It was border line feral.

"You are going to wish the galaxy would swallow you whole when I'm through with you." Tony was looking Thanos dead in the eye.

"And what are you possibly going to do to defeat my power? To stop me from taking over the rest of this pathetic galaxy? You are only a weak mortal and now with no armor." Thanos taunts.

Tony simply smirks. Looking and making sure Peter was being taken care of, he takes his wrist watch that was barely functioning and told Friday,

"Mark 86."

Bruce thought, "He told me about only making up to Mark 85." He was confused.

All of his remaining suits parts formed around him, seemingly fixing themselves, while Pepper, Rhodey, and Peter's suits deformed around them and flew to there creator, fitting seemlessly with other parts. Everyone, even Thanos could tell that this was one of his most powerful suits.

"I will do whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to stop you from hurting other innocent people."


"Because that spider you nearly killed," He paused,

"That's my kid."

And everyone on that battlefield knew at that moment, Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, would do anything for his kid. And give anyone who hurt his kid hell.

And he did.

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