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Peter's POV


Thats the only word I can use to describe myself after "endgame" as people call it. I'm trying to be happy and if you didnt know me, you would think I was. But people who are close, know its all a lie. Ned knows it, May knows it, MJ knows it, god even Flash has backed off!

Seeing so much death was traumatizing enough, but seeing Tony die? That was the hardest part.

I haven't been to the cabin for months now. I wanted to give Pepper and Morgan time and I can't see the place without tearing up. Selfish, I know. Morgan lost her dad and I'm crying over a father figure, figure being the key word.

I was sitting on my bed while studying and May was at work and I heard a knock at the door. I sighed and went to open it.

Looking through the peep hole, I didnt see anyone. Strange. My senses weren't going off so I opened the door. No one.

Until I looked down.

In to the face of 4 year old Morgan Stark.

"Peter!" She said gleefully. My jaw dropped.

"Morgan! What are you doing here!? Where is your mom!? Or Happy!?" I said concerned.

"Uncle Happy hasnt visited lately and Mommy is napping and I was bored. Then I remembered the boy Daddy talks about! He said you lived in Queens, so I came to visit in one of Daddy's suits!"

Oh god, Pepper is going to murder me.

I grabbed her hand and lead her inside. I sat her down and tried to wrap my head around this.

"You took a suit to come and visit me?" She nods, "Who flew the suit?


Stupid AI

"Well we have to get you home before your mom starts freaking out. Where did you put the suit?"

"The alley way" She said like nothing was wrong.

"Ok, stay here for one minute. Can you do that for me?" I ask. She nods yes and I head out the door. I sprint down the stairs, out the door and into the alley way. Sure enough, an iron man suit was standing there.

I went up to it and poked the head mask.

"Friday? Hey its Peter Parker. Do you remember me?"

"Yes, hello Peter."

"Yeah hi, so you brought Morgan here and I dont want her flying back because shes 4. Can you go back to the cabin and if Pepper knows, tell her im on my way with Morgan?" I ask the AI.

"Yes I can." The suit starts up and takes off. Going back into my apartment I see Morgan sitting on the couch, messing with the remote.

"Ok Morgan," Might as well swing there, "Do you know who spiderman is?"

"Yeah! Hes my second favorite superhero, after my Dad." She tells me.

"Well I'm Spiderman and we are going to swing back home. Does that sound ok?" She's quiet for a moment, then she jumps on me and yells,

"Swing with Spiderman?! Of course thats ok!" I smiled and pushed a button on my watch and the iron spider suit formed. Morgan watched in awe as we made our way to the roof.

"Ok you need to hold on really tight." I told her while picking her up. We walked to ledge and I asked if she was ready. She nodded and I jumped.

Time skip~~~

We finally made it to the cabin and the first thing I see when we land, is a worried Pepper racing toward us.

"Morgan! Dont you ever leave without my permission again! You can't take one...." She looks up.

"Peter," She said gentler, "How are you doing." She talked like nothing was wrong. Without another word she takes both if our hands and leads us inside.

"Morgan can you please go to your room while I talk to Peter please." Morgan nods and leaves.

"I am so so sorry Mrs..."

"Peter," She looks at me, "There is something you need to know, but see to believe." I look at her, confused, "Follow me."

She leads me down one if the hallways and down a set of stairs and down another hallway. She stops at a window and when I look in, I gasp.

I see Tony Stark alive and tinkering.

"Before you say anthing, he isn't the same. He wont let anyone in the labs, including me and Morgan. He rarely eats, sleeps, just sits there tinkering. I didnt tell anyone because I thought them crowding him would make it worse. I didnt tell you because I know how seeing him like this would affect you."

"Is he going to get better?"


"Peter?" Both our heads snap toward the sound and see Tonys head up and looking at me.

Tony scrambles up and to the door. When it opens he only looks at me.

"Mr. Stark?" Tears started welling in my eyes.

"Kid." Tony whispers. Then he embraces me.

"I thought you were dead." We say in unison.

"Thanos showed me a reality where you died, Peter. I guess it stuck." He was crying as well.

"You snapped and I thought you where gone." I whisper.

"None of that matters now. We are both here and were going to be ok." I smiled.

We were going to be okay

Peter Parker/Spiderman OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now