Slender the Arrival Pt. 1

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Everyone in the room calmed down after Garou scared the sh*t out of Katsuki Bakugo. Now everyone is ready to watch the next multiverse.

"So what is the next multiverse do you think Tsuyu?" Uraraka exclaimed as she expects to be a happy one and a victorious one for her crush.

"Well me too I cannot wait to see what will Garou show to us." Tsuyu said simply.

"Well... in this multiverse, this is creepy, scary, and full of jumpscares. And sad to say that this version of your friend may not survive here in this multiverse." Garou sadly announced.

"WHAT?! But why?! What would happen to him?!" Mineta cried as everyone in the room has already feel the shivers when the title have appeared on the screen.

"Slender the Arrival"

Some laughed at the term slender that for them it is slim but also confused by the term of "arrival" on it.

"Hey Garou, is this one really scary? Can you give us some little introduction of this multiverse?" Aizawa asked.

"Howkidoki. In this multiverse, the name slender is named to a monstrous supernatural being that takes away people who lurks around in the forest... ALONE. Well here, there are no quirks and everyone's survival instincts will be tested as they go on face and survive the terror that Slenderman will bring to them. Well he is named Slenderman because.... naaah! Just watch the multiverse already!" Garou yelled.

With this everyone in the cinema began to keep silent since they will see their students going on against a monster without their precious quirks.

"Well start it already Garou." All Might commanded.

"Roger that" Garou said.

As the scene changes to a road where a car is being shown with a rainy and dark background of the mountain. "Well I think he is right. This is going to be dark." Tokoyami whispered.

"So often are we guided by our devotion, our love, our affection."

"What does that mean?" Mina pouted. "Young Mina, let the screen explain." All Might said annoyed.

As the image of the side of tha car being shown but the lights of it flickers really bad. Everyone was also terrified by the background noises it does while the lights of the car flickers.

"A bond that pulls us down paths not bargained."

As the screen now shows the haunted view of the mountain that is being slowly covered with tentacles or roots of something.

"And when you find yourself alone, as HE casts out that bedenlling guilt"

"How long will it CARRY you?"

As the screen turned black, everyone was now breathing heavy after seeing that introduction so scary.

"It seems that everyone are scared already? Hehehe well I should leave you here for now." Garou said.

"DON'T LEAVE US GAROU! WE CAN'T FIND THE ANSWERS TO OUR QUESTIONS OF WHAT'S GONNA APPEAR NEXT?!" Students of Class 1-A and B except Shoto, and Bakugo yelled.

"Hahahahaha I'm just kidding. Now let's continued this shall we?" Garou jokingly said, making everyone look at him mad.

The scene now changed as one young man is found sleeping on the front seat of the car. The young man is wearing blue T-shirt, Cargo pants and his signature shoes. He has a curled hair, has freckles on his cheeks and mostly, his face is blurry.

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