High School Musical 3

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Another request from one of my readers, I hope you enjoy and for those people who want to request on me, I'm sorry but I will not accept some for a while because there are some chapters that I want to publish that came from myself. I hope you don't get mad at me but I promise, I will do your request soon as long as I have finished everything that is stucked in my mind! Thank you and enjoy!

Everyone still murmurs about what happened to Izuku at the continuation of the multiverse. Garou took everyone's attention.

"Everyone, especially you David Shield, I have brought someone here who you really love." Garou said.

"Who is it?" David asked as he tilted his head, seeing the portal open.

The person who appeared from the portal is non other than his daughter, Melissa Shield.

"Hi dad!" Melissa happily called.

"Mellisa!" David yelled as he hugged his 17-year old daughter.

"What a beautiful daughter." Inko said as Mineta and Kaminari have hearts on their eyes but All Might glared at them.

'Gulp!' Is what they can react at All Might's glare to them.

"What brings us here dad?" Melissa asked as Garou and Momoko approached the Shields as they explain everything to Melissa.

After 10 minutes of explanation.

"Ooh I see. But where is Izuku?" Melissa asked.

"Well he is not here because we left him in your world and don't worry, he is just doing fine." Momoko said.

"Well speaking of Melissa, this multiverse we're about to watch is about Melissa and Izuku." Garou stated.

"M-me?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah. And both of you are a couple here. Not married huh?" Garou replied as Melissa blushed as she heard that in the multiverse they are about to watch, she and Izuku are a couple here.

'A newcomer to be Izuku's girl in the next multiverse? Wew.' The girls in the room thought. As the title now appeared at the screen.

High School Musical 3

"High school musical? So this is a musical multiverse then!" Nejire exclaimed.

"Yeah. I'm happy to this one I think than the previous one." Tamaki sighed.

"And 3?! So there is a chapter 2 and 1 that multiverse does it?" Iida asked.

"Yep but we decided to show you this one since you are about to see how Izuku will do everything just for his girl Melissa." Momoko said as everyone prepared to watch the multiverse and Melissa sat beside David and Inko.

"So you must be Izuku's mom? Nice to meet you Aunt Inko!" Melissa greeted.

"Oh yeah. Nice to meet you too!" Inko happily replied.

Melissa walks out from Stanford School building. Soon she arrived at a park that has a big Oak tree and she treats herself a walk.

"What a beautiful place." Melissa said.

"I wonder if that's in America?" All Might asked.

"Of course since Melissa came out from Stanford." David chuckled.

"Oh." All Might puffed.

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