Resident Evil 7 Pt.2

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"I hope Izuku survived in this continuation of this multiverse." Kaminari sighed.

"Wait what is this multiverse all about?" Melissa asked.

"Let us explain to you everything." Momo added as she and the 2 classes explained everything at the newcomer.

Melissa almost fainted at she heard that Izuku lost his left hand while resisting Momo's attack on him.

"I'm now worried for him." Melissa silently said.

The scene now starts to Izuku being dragged by Endeavor who carries Momo on his shoulder as they walk on a rainy and dark day.

"Oh no!" Everyone said.

"This is not good, old man." Shoto said.

"I know. And how to get free from the control of the 'she' thing?" Endeavor asked.

"Actually, you will all know on how it will work when we finish this multiverse." Momoko replied.

"Come on- don't you die on us, now. You have work to do." A voice of a woman said as the screen now shows Izuku restrained on a chair as Endeavor fixes Izuku's hand via Heavy Duty Stapler. As he looked in front of him, there were three people in front of him who are now eating human and animal intestines and internal organs as one guy from his side threw a food at him.

Melissa fainted as she saw everything. Some students ran to the bathroom and vomitted again as they cannot withstand the much gore and grossiness this multiverse shows.

"Why are they eating human intestines and internal organs instead of a normal food?" Aizawa asked as he closed his eyes and stopped making imaginations about what he saw.

"This is the entity's reward for them for killing the intruders who tries to get info from them and finding the entity who makes the house more covered in doom and terror. And they slaughter each victim's body and they eat them so that there is no evidence left in there." Garou said.

"Can't believe those people can survive in the way and kind of food they eat!" Sato said.

"Where the hell am I? Who are you people?" Izuku asked.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead! It's time for supper!" The woman's voice now known as Rei Todoroki as she gobbles another bunch of internal organs to her mouth.

"Who are you all people? Where's Momo?" Izuku asked as he was grossed as what he sees right now.

"Eat! It's good." Rei said.

"Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" Another voice of a younger man known as Natsuo said as he makes Izuku looked like an idiot.

Rei dropped her jaw as she sees herself eating human meat with pleasure while Natsuo was shocked seeing himself involved in this murdering and slaughtering family.

"I introduce to you, the Todoroki family as the killers and victims of the entity of that bullshit house." Garou said as everyone glared at the Todorokis.

"But Mina's not a Todoroki. Why would you say that she is one of the family members?" Fuyumi asked.

"Like what I have said earlier, Mina is different from you all. And also she is the only one who helped Izuku to find a way out." Momoko replied.

"That make sense! So I help Midori in here? Cool!" Mina exclaimed.

Natsuo threw a plate of Intestines at Izuku as Endeavor grabs Natsuo's arm and cutting it like what happened to Izuku's hand against Momo.

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