Evil Power vs Pure Innocence

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Katsuki is now laying on the ground after punching the punching bag many times as he can after what he saw on the last multiverse.

"Hey Garou." Momoko called.

"Yeah?" Garou responded.

"I saw some happenings in Izuku's sleep just right now." Momoko worriedly said.

"What do you mean?" Garou asked.

"I saw in his dream on what if, his quirk is All For One's quirk but he is still a good and innocent kid. But the One For All user is...Mirio but he used it in his evil ways?" Momoko added.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Garou yelled as everyone looked at the two gods.

"Uhm is there anything wrong out there? Inko worriedly asked.

"Oh nothing!" Garou replied as he gets near on Momoko's ear.

"Should we show to them on what you saw on Izuku's sleep just now?" Garou asked panickly.

"Yeah I think. Also to let Mirio know what can he do if he gets All Might's power but in an evil way." Momoko sighed.

The two gods decided to show to everyone who is now looking at them with both confused and worried faces.

"Listen up! We are going to see someone's dream this time! Not some multiverse for this time." Momoko announced.

"And it is Izuku's dream am I right?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, here he is." Garou replied as the screen now shows Izuku sleeping without his upper shirt and his boxers on his lower body.

Many girls except RG, Eri and Inko, blushed like new Strawberries as they saw Izuku sleeping with that kind of attire.

"Oh my goooooodneeeeesss!!" Uraraka said.

"Midori's body is even buff while sleeping? Amazing!" Mina exclaimed.

"Yeah. He is so... sooo." Momo stutters.

"HOOT!!" Nejire exclaimed.

The boys also in the room felt jealousy on Izuku's body as they break the drooling session of the girls.

"Ehem! May we know what is on his dream?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah! It seems like it is bad to see him sleeping in that state instead of his dream!" Mineta whined as all boy in the room including the pro heroes nodded.

"Momoko, you explain to them what is it all about please." Garou pleaded as Momoko nodded and she explained everything she saw on everyone.

After 10 minutes of explanation

All Might fainted on what he heard from Momoko's explanation. Mirio looked to himself worried as he will see himself but as an evil one in the dream of Izuku.

"But it is just a dream, right?" Mirio sadly asked.

"Yeah don't worry! It will be just a dream. Don't take it too much on a personal level." Momoko ensured as everyone now prepare to see what's on Izuku's dream.

The scene now focuses on Izuku now talking to a tall man with a buffed body and wearing a suit.

"All For One?! What does he want to my successor?!" All Might roared.

"Hey hey hey! Take it easy. It's just a dream." Momoko quickly replied as she calms down All Might.

"What do you think is in his dream right now that he meets All For One in that situation?" Recovery girl asked.

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