Resident Evil 7 Pt.4

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Greetings! This will be the longest chapter I have ever make. I hope you enjoy and hope to create some shit again after doing this loooong chapter. Enjoy!

Everyone talked to each other while waiting for the multiverse to show. Mineta on the other hand just sat away from the crowd as Kaminari and Sero approached him.

"Well, what the god Angel said to you?" Kaminari asked in worry.

"Uhmmm, I think I should start to move away from women starting now." Mineta sadly said.

"But why?" Sero asked in confusion.

"I'm gonna start my ways to change now. Even it hurts me to leave my hobby as a pervert anymore since I didn't do any sexual harrassment to them. But they always show me anger like I raped them or something. We are in Japan dude but they act like they live from another country!" Mineta added in sadness.

All Might and Gran Torino approached Mineta to comfort him.

"You know, being a pervert is normal for some men but not at all times. It seems like you have done it to the wrong set of women and doing it repeatedly without any stops." Gran Torino said.

"I know. So that's why I sat away from them to think what should I replace from the hobby of being a pervert." Mineta replied.

"Alright everyone! Let's continue this multiverse and see the second boss fight of your cinnamon roll!" Garou said as All Might, Sero, Kaminari and Gran Torino left Mineta.

Izuku jumped to the hole as he saw Rei running away and now this time, in a crawling manner.

Rei spits her Carbonara seeing herself crawl like a spider. Meanwhile the one who she spitted the Carbonara pasta is Katsuki

"Oh I'm sorry!" Rei apologized as she starts to clean Katsuki's face.

"No it's okay. I got this." Katsuki argued as he saw Endeavor glaring at him and he just put his talking tone in a proper manner.

'This guy is more hotheaded than me!' Katsuki thought.

"What the fuck? That's special!" Izuku hummed as he now follows Rei direction on where she'd go. He now reached the end of the hole and he saw a ladder that leads him up of it and he prayed silently.

'No jumpscares this time please!' Izuku mentally pleaded as he rushed like he was being chased by zombies from below as he now reached the surface, he realized that he is at the outside of the house behind the trailer.

"Well even he has those weapons on his side, he can still feel fear you know." Uraraka said.

"His life is really in danger because now, he is about to face a boss now." Hatsume added.

"So she returned to the house? Or to this other house in here?" Izuku asked in confusion.

He quickly returned to Mina's trailer to get some bullets of the 44 MAG Gun he claimed from the trailer and some ammunition as he prepares himself for a boss fight. Izuku then rushed towards an abandoned house which is located near Rei's swamp. He entered the house as she looked for the said monster.

"Hey you piece of shit! Get out now or I'll burn this whole place to hell!" Izuku mockingly yelled as he gained nothing but silence.

Izuku climbed to the stairs he saw upwards the second floor but before he can turn left upwards, Rei surprised him and almost catching him with her long arms.

"Here I am!! Now, come on now with me! We're going to settle this!" Rei challenged as Izuku shoots Rei using his shotgun.

Rei moved away from her spot as she runs away and looked for a spot to attack Izuku without him noticing it.

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