Whitebeard's Rage

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Greetings! I'm gonna update this book for a moment since I missed the characters in this book. And also, I will just publish the chapters in here depends on my mood and after taking care of the other books of mine. Hope you understand and also, the requests may be done soon but not for now since I am really busy for my two books and for my studies. Hope you all understand.

After everyone rested from the last multiverse that they have watched, Katsuki erupted like a volcano after what he saw at the ending of the last multiverse.

"I want to change my ways of treating him from being a nerd to an ally as a hero, HOW... DID THE HELL... I GET MARRIED... TO THAT BASTARD ON THAT MULTIVERSE?!?!" Katsuki roared.

"Hey, hey! Don't make any stupidity will you? Besides, it is not his fault why that multiverse is meant to be watched by us. And also, you should focus more on rebuilding your friendship towards him." Garou said.

"I hope Deku will be happy for this soon when we come home!" Katsuki sighed.

'Finally, a meant to be friendship is about to be rebuilt soon!' Everyone thought.

"Okay, everyone! We are now about to start the next multiverse. And this time, Katsuki will be related to Izuku here as well!" Momoko said.

"And what is it all about?" Ojiro asked.

"In this multiverse, Izuku unleashes his penultimate rage against the one who killed Katsuki here in this multiverse." Momoko stated.

Everyone looked again on Katsuki if he's about to explode again due to the next multiverse, he is dead and also, Izuku will be the one to unleash his anger from Katsuki's death. But, they didn't expected this Katsuki just now.

"I hope Izuku will make sure that he defeats the one who killed me in that multiverse." Katsuki said in a confident tone and with purity on it.

Everyone went quiet as they heard Katsuki, not giving any explosive reaction towards the next multiverse. Instead, confettis and trumpets have surprised him.

"Congratulations, you are now finally accepting Izuku in your life!!!" Everyone cheered on Katsuki as confettis popped around Katsuki and Uraraka, Momo, and the 1-A girls sprayed flowers on Katsuki and Eri approached Katsuki, giving him a crown of flowers.

"Thank you for accepting Nii-chan Izuku in your life. We love you!" Eri said in a cute voice.

"Aaaaaaaaaww!!" Everyone cooed..

Katsuki has no choice but to smile and hug Eri after receiving the flower crown and he wears it.

"I'll do my best for you to see a friendship between me and Izuku!" Katsuki said on Eri while he hugs her.

"Anyways, shall we start the multiverse that we're about to see?" Angel asked.

"Yes!!" Everyone replied.

"Okay, here we go!!" Garou exclaimed.

The screen shows the title "One Piece: Whitebeard's rage" on it.

"Who's Whitebeard?" All Might asked.

"Its Izuku. And also, he is a huge person in here and an old one." Momoko said.

"What?! But why is he old?!" Midnight shrieked in worry.

'Oh, I can't see his beloved ripped body for this time!' Midnight thought.

The scene started to Whitebeard (Izuku) whose eyes are darken as he moved now and stared at Admiral Akainu (Dabi) and unleashed a huge shockwave from his fist and punches Akainu towards the ground very hard.

Multiverses of Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now