One Punch Man Season 2

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'What should I do, what should I do what should I do?!?!' Garou thought crazily knewing that the people around him will now be able to see who is he and what is his main personality. But in reality, he is an innocent person but seeing his version in the next multiverse, makes him worry and mind stutter himself just like Izuku Midoriya.

"Are you okay Garou? You look like you lost all your money on a bet?" Kaminari joked as he just wants Garou to chill.

"Well uhm I-" he was interrupted by the portal now opening once again and people in the cinema watched as they knew that this is the god that will be joining them in watching the multiverse.

"Oh hi everyone! I'm sorry if I just came here without Garou's permission." The god appears to be named Momoko.She wears a one piece gown with a revealing top, a blue corset vest with red stripes that is covered by a couple of metal armor plates. She wears elbow guards with blue and red stripes, and white gloves on her hands.

She also wears metal boots and shinguard's. (I just changed her name so that you will feel different about this god. And yep, it's Mamako Oosuki actually but I decided to change her name for a little and her cute face turned to a meme triggered me to put her here in this story.)

Everyone had their jaws dropped seeing this beautiful god now joining them in the cinema

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Everyone had their jaws dropped seeing this beautiful god now joining them in the cinema. Of course the perverts like Kaminari and Mineta blushed like a fresh tomato seeing this new god with her THICC breasts but was scared seeing the girls beside them giving them a death glare that can send them instantly to hell.

"For the first time I would say this, she is beautiful and cute." Endeavor simply said but was smacked by Rei in the head as the Todoroki family laughed at what their father just said.

"Sheeeesh she has some 'big titties out there." Jiro said as she stops herself turning into a lesbian.

"Damnit Momoko! Why you just opened the portal without informing me?! Grrrruh!" Garou annoyingly scowled.

"Well of course I did because you were too busy thinking about..... yourself in the next Multiverse." Momoko said and giving him this damned look.

" Momoko said and giving him this damned look

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Multiverses of Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now