Dragon Ball Super Pt.3

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Greetings everyone! Sorry for the very late upload and expect to have this one as the longest chapter ever in my book. Hope you like this chapter and also, I only chose the fights and scenes of the Universe 7 that I am interested with. Enjoy!

Angel returned from Izuku's world after he assisted the poor cinnamon roll from being kissed surprisingly by those wild women who really liked him. Except for the other one since she is a god. Everyone noticed Angel's return and also, they are now ready to watch the next multiverse.

"Hey there people! How have you been?" Angel asked.

"Well we're fine! And also, we found out who is guy from the Universe 11 that will be a big problem at Izuku. And also, he is not an easy one to beat!" Kirishima replied.

"Oh I see. Then, who is it from the audience?" Angel asked.

"Watch it for yourself, Angel. For you to feel the thrills!" Garou exclaimed.

"Oh. Ok." Angel muttered.

"Start it now, Garou-sama!" Uraraka said.

"Roger that." Garou replied.

The scene now focused to the Gods at the spectators seat, talking about how will their Universe won in the Tournament of Power.

"Will our Universe 7 win?" Ojiro asked.

"All we can do is trust them." Gran Torino said.

"Precisely. Your fates are in their hands." Midnight added.

"Don't talk like that. Just because you won't get erased if we lose!" Aizawa scoffed.

"Fortunately." Midnight chuckled.

"That is so unfair you know!" Aizawa exclaimed.

"Woah, now you get serious of yourself being erased if they lose?" Midnight asked.

"Of course. But I can't do anything since in that multiverse, you are daughters and sons of Nighteye or the Grand Priest if you call." Aizawa sighed.

"We're counting on you guys! Go Universe 7!" Aizawa cheered.

Meanwhile, the scene focused to Quitela, the God of Destruction of Universe 4 snickered to what he is hearing.

"I heard that. Aizawa of all people, spouting teamwork. How pathetic!" Quitela said.

"Tch, I'm ignoring that!" Aizawa stuttered.

"Oh, you're not going to retort? How unexpected!" Midnight said.

"I'm not good to that guy!" Aizawa replied.

"So that other stupid rat face is now Aizawa-sensei's nemesis huh?" Hagakure asked.

"Yes. And also, Quitela has a big hate against Aizawa in that multiverse." Garou replied.

"But I don't see his warriors as strong ones you know." Uraraka said.

"He is the only God of Destruction that is not scared of being erased if they lose to the Tournament." Momoko added.

"EH?! But he will be included to be erased if they really lose!" Mineta said in shock.

"Let's see what happens to that bastard if their Universe will be erased." Aizawa said coldly.

Quitela just chuckled in his signature manner. The scene now shifted to the warriors of the Universe 7, preparing for the go signal of Zeno and Nighteye.

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