Evil Power vs Pure Innocence Pt.2

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After everyone have rested for a while, they are now ready to watch another part of Izuku's dream.

"May I ask, what time is on our world?" All Might asked.

"Uhmm let me check, it's 11:30 PM." Momoko replied.

"But why we don't feel so sleepy of what?" Aizawa asked.

"Like what I have told you, you are not following your world's time flow. Which means you are in our timeflow and it its 100x slower than Earth's time." Garou replied.

Everyone realized that the time on their world has stopped. But they didn't mind it because Izuku is there to clean things up for them. Especially the pro heroes.

"Well then, let's watch the continuation then." Inko stated.

After Mirio lost to Izuku to their fight at TDL, he went to a very familiar place in the Kamino Ward. But it is not the League Of Villain's hideout. Behind the hideout of the League, there is an underground passage in it. On it is the villains lair.

"I think that place does exist. What do you think?" Edgeshot asked.

"We will ask my friend about it later." All Might said.

Mirio used his quirk to slip down under the gate of the passage so that he cannot be noticed. When he arrived, he was met by one of the students of U.A .

"Well you have arrived finally." The student appears to be Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

"Yeah. Where are the others?" Mirio asked.

Tetsutetsu widened his eyes as he is now talking to an evil Mirio.

"Hey! Why is Tetsutetsu in there?!" Kendo angrily asked.

"Sadly, you are also a villain here Tetsutetsu. You have also a personal grudge against some pro heroes at U.A at Izuku's dream." Momoko stated.

"This is bad for me I think." Tetsutetsu sighed.

"They are already inside. They are waiting for you for 2 hours." Tetstetsu replied.

"Okay. You stay here and watch out for amy intruders." Mirio muttered as he nodded.

Mirio opened the door inside the lair as he was welcomed by the most dangerous villains of whole Japan.

"Hey! That's All Might's successor! Welcome back!" One villain yelled.

"The most powerful villain after All For One died." Another villain said.

"Died? You mean that masked guy died?" Mirio asked in confusion.

"Yep you heard him right." A female voice replied known to be as Toga.

"Toga?! She's a traitor I knew it!" Uraraka angrily said.

"No Uraraka, did you hear what Izuku said to them?" Momo replied.

"Oooooh okay okay. Jeez." Uraraka embarrasedly replied.

'Think before you react girl.' Everyone thought.

"Oh. You must be All For One's people, am I right?" Mirio asked.

"Yeah and we came here to find another boss!!" She exclaimed as the rest of the League of Villains shown up to the lair.

"Hmmm. I will need you to my plans." Mirio muttered under his breath.

"Are you saying something?" Toga asked as she tilted her head.

"Oh nothing. Let this meeting start." Mirio ordered.

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