Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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Everyone has finally calmed down after being emotional of what happened to Izuku on the last Multiverse. Garou came back from his world to give the audience another kind of Multiverse.

"Well everyone, how do you feel?" Garou asked.

Everyone just nodded, some smiled and some people were still sad because aftet what they saw on the last multiverse might happen in their own world.

"Now now! Come on fire yourselves up because in this multiverse, you will see a different version of your Izuku Midoriya, plus also some of you who are involved here are also have a different version. Let's say that............ you are alien robots who came from outer space not to destroy Earth but to protect it from alien robots too that wanting to conquer Earth?"

Everyone was confused on what Garou is trying to say. "What do you mean of alien robots?" Kota asked.

"Well in this world I'm gonna show you, each hero and villain of this world are not humans but robots. They will fight as they are trying to fulfill and complete their goals." He said.

"Also young Kota, you are one of the main characters of this universe!" Garou exclaimed.

Everyone was happy now that Kota is also one of the main characters of the show.

"DAMN IT!! When will my spotlight hit me?!" Katsuki yelled angrily.

"Geez, you wait for this multiverse to play to answer your questions." Garou said as the Title appeared on the screen.

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen

"Transformers?" Kota asked.

"Well Kota, you should watch it instead of asking okay?" Garou said annoyed as he plays now the Multiverse.

A scene on an abandoned warehouse where there were three gigantic robots who are taking hostage of 3 adults. And one of those victims is lying on a metal bed.

"What the hell do these things wants to us?!" Leo Spitz ( Sato) asked. As he sees Sam Witwicky (Kota) lying on the said metal part.

"What are they doing at Kota?!" Mandalay yelled as she saw her nephew being held hostage by the three robots.

"Well these robots are also known as The Decepticons. Which means they are the evil ones." Garou added. Hearing this they have shivers in their spine as now Kota is facing a huge problem right now.

The leader of the Decepticons arose from underneath as he saw Kota now conscious and ready for the experiment. "Grrrrr." Megatron(Katsuki) growled slowly trying to scare Sam.

"Bakugo?!" Everyone yelled in unison as they saw his multiverse version as a villain.

"What do you want from Kota?!" Mandalay and Pixie Bob yelled as they charged the said teen but was stopped by Garou and Aizawa.

"Thanks for the help Aizawa." Garou said as he received a nod from Aizawa.

"The hell?! Am I a villain here?!" Katsuki scoffed.

"You deserve that role though despite of your personality." Shoto coldly said as Katsuki also tries to charge Shoto but he was stopped by Garou.

"You have what I need that you have boy!" Megatron growled scaring Sam a little bit.

"Uh you mean this symbols that scatter in my head?" Sam scaringly said.

"Well yes, in that I have to conduct an operation just to see and peek something in your mind as a prove that it exists on your brain". Megatron coldy replied.

Multiverses of Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now