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❤liked by: maxverstappen1, kimimatiasraikkonen, danielricciardo and 623,617 others

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liked by: maxverstappen1, kimimatiasraikkonen, danielricciardo and 623,617 others

vetteloffcial: my biggest and most beautiful price ever ❤

tagged: avyricciardo

vettelfans: she's so beautiful Seb 😍❤
danielricciardo: my beautiful sis ❤
kimimatiasraikkonen: you hit the jackpot mate ❤
maxverstappen1: my beautiful best friend 😍
hulkhulkenberg: like i allready said: have babies please 😍
user2: big she is indeed!
↪user3: yes indeed!
user5: and still ugly!
user1: can't believe Seb really loves her 🙄
kimimatiasraikkonen: shut up 🖕
mintturaikkonen: you're so lucky Seb. Love you togheter ❤
dilarasanlik: best couple ever ❤
charles_leclerc: great job teammate 🙌
user8: can't believe everybody loves her, just look at her. Ugly face!

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