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Sebastian's point off view.

it was tuesday, and i just arrived at the Bahrein circuit. i really had to Daniel about Avy. i was still a bit angry with her for not telling me she is pregnant, with my baby.

i know Daniel didn't want to talk to me anymore after what happened, but i needed to know why she kept it from me.

i looked around the paddock, trying to find Daniel. i walked over to the Renault garage 'hey guys, did anyone off you seen Daniel?' i asked the engineers. 'yeah mate, he just started his track run' one off them said 'thanks' i said and walked out again.

i walked back to my own garage, killing some time before trying to talk to Daniel. after two hours i walked out again and looked around 'Daniel' i said when i saw him walking.

he turned around, when he saw it was me who called his name he just turned back and keep on walking. 'Daniel, please wait' i said, starting to run.

'Dan, please. i need to talk too you' i said 'i've got nothing to say too you' he said to mez without even looking at me. 'look man, i know you pissed at me, but please talk with me' he stopped and looked at me 'pissed? i fucking hate you Vettel. do you have any idea what you did to Avy hu? how you broke her heart?' he yelled at me.

i looked around and saw people staring at us, including some camera's. 'not here man' i told him, he looked around and then nodded. we started walking towards the Renault garage and ended up in Daniel's drivers home.

'so, what do you want then?' Daniel asked me. 'i just need to know why she haven't told me anything, why she won't talk to me' i said, making myself sound desperate. 'what do you think Seb. you broke her heart in a million pieces' 'but i want to fix things, i want to be a part of this baby's life.

'yeah, you should thought about that before you fucked another women' he said. 'that's what she said' i told him 'then why talking to me, i can't do anything about this Seb' 'because i want to take care of this baby, my fucking baby' i yelled.

'don't get fucking angry at me mate, i'm not the one who cheated. you should be angry at yourself, for fucking up so badly and losing a amazing girl. cause that's what she is man, my sis is fucking amazing. and you broke her, you broke her in a million pieces. and that's why i hate you. you made her so happy man, i've never seen her that happy. and you fucked it all up. i've never seen her so sad, so devestated. because of you, she loved you so so much, and she still does. i hate it to see her like that, crying all the time, being so sad' he said to me.

'oh believe me, i fucking hate myself man. i really do, i know what i lost. i lost my life after making a horrible mistake. i wish i could turn back time, but i can't. and i want to make it up so badly. she is my life man. i can't be without her' 'that's you're own fucking fault. i'm down with this conversation, cause i'm so close off fucking smack you in the face' he said angry.

'please talk to her, please help me make it up' i said, 'never, when she's ready to talk to you, she will. but in the main time, please let her alone Seb. she can't deal with this right now'  'i understand that' i said and looked to the ground 'now please leave' he said, i nodded and walked out of his room.

Daniel's point off view.

after Sebastian left my room i sighed, i almost slapped the idiot. but he looked desperate, devastated. and above all, he looked very tired. like he hadn't slept for a year. maybe i could give Avy a call, tell her what happened?

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