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❤liked by: dilarasanlik, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 781,562 others

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liked by: dilarasanlik, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 781,562 others.

avyricciardo: mallorca it is then ❤

tagged: @danielricciardo, @louisecameron, @dilarasanlik, @maxverstappen1, @hulkhulkenberg, @the_crochet_girl, @charles_leclerc, @gg_giadagianni, @vettelofficial.

vettelfans: my heart. Omygod 😭
user3: my god 😍
ricciardofans: those girls, so beautiful 😭😍
dilarasanlik: ❤❤
vettelofficial: beauty ❤
kimimatiasraikkonen: where's my invitation hu?
vettelofficial: well, if you had answered your phone for one time, you could be here 🙄
mintturaikkonen: well, we can still come?
avyricciardo: yesss please do ❤
kimimatiasraikkonen: she's booking a flight, see you later i guess 😉
raikkonenfans: oh wel. My day had just became the best day ever 😭
vettelfans: mine too, love the friendship between them all 😭
christianhornerofficial: have fun you guys 👍
maxverstappen1: thanks boss 👍
↪avyricciardo: thanks Christian 😘

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