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❤liked by: vettelofficial, dilarasanlik, maxverstappen1 and 735,091 others

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❤liked by: vettelofficial, dilarasanlik, maxverstappen1 and 735,091 others

avyricciardo: summerbreak is treating me well 🍹🏝

tagged: @vettelofficial

kimimatiasraikkonen: enjoy, see you sooner than you think 🤔😏
avyricciardo: wait? What? Why? 😱
vettelofficial: seriously Kimi, shut up 🖕
avyricciardo: no, please do tell Kimi 🙃
kimimatiasraikkonen. Nope! 🤐

mintturaikkonen: beauty 😍
dilarasanlik: damn girl ❤
maxverstappen1: 😍❤
hulkhulkenberg: well hello there 😍

user5: still thinks she's not pretty!
↪user4: still agree.
↪user7: yep, still can get my mind up why Seb loves her so much.
↪user1: seriously, just leave her alone 🖕

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