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Seb helped me out of the car, we were at the house of Lou and Dan. 'are you okay?' Seb asked and took my hand. I nodded my head 'let's go then' he said with a smile and we walked towards the door.

'hii guys' I said while I looked across the room. everybody was there. Max, Dilara, Nico, Egle, Charles, Giada, Minttu, Kimi, Dan, Lou and of course the little Sienna. 'look at you' Egle said and walked over to me 'almost popping hu?' she said before giving me a hug, the others followed.

we went outside and I sat myself down at the lounge area and sighed 'ready for everything?' Kimi asked as he sat himself next to me, I smiled 'yes, everything is ready. it can happen now. I'm done walking around like a penguin' I said what makes Kimi laughing.

I looked around and smiled, I loved that they all made time to visit us here in Australia. they were really the best friends ever. I wouldn't want to live without them anymore, if it wasn't for them I would have gone crazy in the period me and Seb were separated.

'fucking hell' I hissed when I felt a sharp pain spread in my body. 'you okay?' Kimi asked, looking concerned. I just nodded at him 'you want something?' I put my hand on his arm 'I'm fine Kimi, really. thanks' I said smiling at him. he nodded but I could see he wasn't convinced.

'where are you going?' Seb asked when I stood up 'well, there's a little boy in here that likes to sit on my bladder, so I'm going to the toilet' I said and wiggled inside.

'did you pee for all of us?' Charles said jokingly 'nope, just my water that broke' I said and looked at Seb, his eyes got big and stood up immediately. 'let's go to the hospital' he said 'Seb, I'm fine. I don't need no hospital' 'yet' Louise said. 'I'm just going to sit, puff away any contractions I got, and when I feel I need to go to the hospital I will tell you, okay?' I said to him 'okay, do you need anything right now?' Dan asked, 'a cup of tea would be nice' 'coming right up' he said.

'do you realize you having a baby?' Egle said to me 'not yet' I laughed. but I was realizing it perfectly fine, I was terrified. I know what can happen, I was with Lou. but I didn't experienced her pain. and that's what I'm most scared about, the unbearable pain.

'you okay?' Seb asked softly when he sat himself down. I looked at him, he was excited, but panicked and scared. just like me. 'a little, I'm terrified' I told him 'me too' he said and grabbed my hand. 'we will do this together okay, I will not leave your side' he said and gave my hand a little squeeze. I just nodded at him and felt a sharp pain go through my belly. 'shitt' i hissed and grabbed my belly 'someone time this' Minttu yelled, Max got his phone out and started a stopwatch.

'sit next to me please' i said when Dan putted the teacup on the table. he smiled at me and nodded. he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze 'you can do this sis' he said and smiled again.


'we are going to the hospital now' Seb said, the contractions were now so strong I couldn't even breath properly. I just nodded and stood up, with a little help from Seb and Dan. 'you have everything? or do we need to get anything from your house?' Dilara asked 'everything is in the car' Seb said and we walked to the car.

'we will follow you to the hospital' Nico said and looked at me with a smile, 'see ya later' I said, waved and then got in the car. 'ready to have a baby?' Seb asked with a nervous smile on his face 'yes and no' I answered. he started the car and drove off.


'I can't anymore, I'm done' I said after a couple of hours of pushing. he wouldn't come out. 'I will get a doctor' the midwife said, and she stormed out of the room. 'I'm gonna puke' I said to Seb, he looked around and grabbed the first thing he saw, a little trash can. the pain was unbearable, every bone and muscle in my body was hurt.

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