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❤liked by: maxverstappen1, scuderiaferrari, danielricciardo and 841,956 others

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liked by: maxverstappen1, scuderiaferrari, danielricciardo and 841,956 others

avyricciardo: so proud off you ❤
Now time for summerbreak 🏝

tagged: @vettelofficial

danielricciardo: have fun indeed 😏
kimimatiasraikkonen: 😏
maxverstappen1: 😏
charles_leclerc: 😏
hulkhulkenberg: 😏

avyricciardo: what's that suppose to mean hu? 👆🤨
↪the_crochet_girl: 😏
↪dilarasanlik: 😏
↪gg_giadagianni: 😏
↪louisecameron: 😏

vettelfans: what is going on here? 🤔
avyricciardo: i don't knooow 😟

vettelofficial: you will found out soon enough 😉
↪avyricciardo: no, you will tell me now!
↪vettelofficial: have a little patient schatze 😚

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