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'Babe, wake up. I've got a surprise for you' Seb said while caressing my cheeks. I smiled while turning over to him. Putting my arms arouns his warm body. He was already dressed 'what time is it?' 'Ten o'clock' he answered. 'Why didn't you wake me earlier?' I asked, letting out a yawn. 'That's why. You needed your sleep. Especially after last night' he said with a smirk.

She smiled while thinking back at last night: It was amazing. Seb had cooked dinner for the two off them. They enjoyed it with a glass of wine. After dinner they headed outside at the balcony, enjoying some more wine and the vieuw at Switzerland from Seb's house. 'Aiv?' He asked softlt while running his hands trough her hair. She hummed. 'move in with me?' He asked.

She turned to face him. He was looking at her, a little smile across his face, but she could tell he was nervous. 'Oh Seb, i would love that' she said, slamming herself against his body. 'Really?' He asked, putting her tighter against him. 'Yes' she answered. Looking at him before locking lips with him.

Soon they found thereselfs all wrapped up in eachoter. Hands were everywhere. 'Seb' she moaned as he kissed her jawline, down to hear neck and then her collorbone. 'can we just skip this part en go fucking' he said. Pulling her shirt up. 'Seb!' She said laughing. She never heard him say that. She didn't know he could be so rough mouted.

'yes, back on earth babe?' He asked with a smirk. He exactly know what she was thinking about. My cheeks turned a light colour off red, hiding my face under the blankets. 'No need for shaming, it was a amazing night' he said, pulling the blankets away and kissing her, pulling me on top off him. 'I love you so much Aiv' he said. 'I love you to Seb' i answered, looking to his eyes that were full of love. 'How i love to spend the rest of the day in bed with you. We have to go' he said. 'Yes, i will change'

'Mom, Dad. What are you doing her?' i was completely stunned. 'Hi love' my mother said while putting her hands around me. 'Hi' i said blinking back the tears while my dad put his arms around me. 'I've missed you so much' i said smiling, a tear escaped my eye. 'Seb has a huge surprise for you. He needed us for that' my dad replied.

'And not only your parents' i heard. I turned around. Seeing Seb's parents, Norbert and Heike, walking in the room, followed by his brother, Fabian, and sisters, Melanie and Stefanie. 'what are you guys all doing here?' She was overwhelmed, and at crying point. She got greeted by the Vettel family.

When the doorbell rang she looked at Seb, who just gave her a wink and walked over to the door. 'I'm nervous' i told the people in the room while setting myself down next to Stefanie. 'You are gonna love it' she says. Putting a arm around my shoulder.

'Helloooo Vettel and Ricciardo family' i heard an familiar voice coming from the door. As i look up i see Kimi and Minttu walking our way. Followed by Max, Dilara, Charles, Giada, Nico, Egle, Daniel and Louise. 'Oh you guys. This day is getting weirder and weirder' i said while getting off the couch to greet them all.

'Well, Aiv. You are coming with us' Dilara said when i hugged all of them. 'And where are we going?' 'If we tell. There's no surprise anymore hu' Kimi said. 'Now, chop chop. Let's get moving' my mom said, putting her hands on my shoulders, pushing me forward. 'wait' i said while turning around. 'bye' i said to Seb, pressing my lips against his. 'i love you' he softly said in my ear after the soft kiss. I smiled at him, walking away.

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