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❤liked by: louisericciardo, maxverstappen1, christianhornerofficial and 801,629 others

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liked by: louisericciardo, maxverstappen1, christianhornerofficial and 801,629 others

danielricciardo: SQUAD 👨‍👧 can't believe how fast you are growing little one 😍

tagged: @louisericciardo

louisericciardo: my heart. Let's make a new baby 😏😭😍
danielricciardo: deal!🤤
maxverstappen1: didn't need to know that 😶 Just here to say that you're daughter is so cute 😍

avyvettel: my beautiful niece 😍😍
↪vettelofficial: and mine 😍
↪louisericciardo: we make beautiful children 😍
↪danielricciardo: that we do indeed ❤

hulkhulkenberg: she's beautiful 😭
the_crochet_girl: beautiful little girl 😍
mintturaikkonen: time for you to have babies 😏
avyvettel: i completely agree with that 🙌

ricciardofans: such a cutie 😭😍
vettelfans: the whole Ricciardo and Vettel families are cuties 😍
↪danielricciardo: true, especially me 👋
ricciardofans: oh God, Daniel 😂
↪avyvettel: it's true tough 😅

Here I am again.
It's been a while, sorry!
I'm focussing on my new story, and I didn't have inspiration for this one.

That's why the little time hop now,
This story will come to an end soon.
Even though I'm not wanting it to end, I just don't know how to go further with it, I'm stuck with it, I'm sorry 😭

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