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'Wake up schatze. It's you're brothers wedding day' Seb woke me up with this words. I was wide awake at those words, jumping out of bed. 'That's the fastest i see you getting out of bed' Seb says laughing. 'Yeah well. I'm so excited. Who ever thaught that my brother was going to marry. I didn't' i replied.

'Ya comin'?' I asked while walking towards the bathroom. 'For what?' 'A shower' i answered turning on the shower. Within two seconds Seb was standing behind me. Putting his hands on my hips, turning me around. 'I can't say no to that' he said. Then pressing his lips at my cheeks. Trailing down to my neck, further down to my collarbone while undressing me from my pyjamas. 'We have to do this far more often. I missed you're touch Seb' i said softly, planting my hands on his shoulders and moaning softly. 'Ow believe me schatze. This summerbreak, we'll make up for the lost time' he said with his beautiful smile.

'So, what ya think?' I asked, Seb looked at me. A big smile was spreading across his face. 'You are so fucking beautiful' he replied. 'Let me take a photo' he said pulling his phone from the table.

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'Well, my turn to get ready now' he said. Walking back to the bedroom  leaving me alone. I sighed as i thought off today. My brother was really going to be a married man after today. It made me smile like crazy. No one ever thaught that.

Hey big brother,
Just a little message from you're favourite sister hu!
How are you holdin' up?
I just wanted to let you know that i'm so proud off you. Finally found the perfect girl. Can't wait to see you guys putting the rings on ❤

Hi sis.
To be honoust, i'm terrified haha. What is she doesn't show up? I will look like a fool.
I'm proud of you too baby sis. Love you the most ❤

Ofcourse she will show up. She loves you more than anything in this world. Don't be terrified. Everything is going to be okay. This will be the best day in you're life. Enjoy every minute off it ❤
I love you, we got this ❤

You always know how to cheer me up with the exact right words.
We got this ❤

'Mr. Vettel will see you now' at the sound off Seb's voice i turned around. Make my jaw fall to the floor. 'Well, hello there Mr. Vettel' i said, walking over to him. 'You are some handsome german' i said, pressing my lips against his.

@avyricciardo added a photo to her sotry

@avyricciardo added a photo to her sotry

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'Let's go then' he said. I suddenly getting nervous. It was really time. My brother really was getting married in twohours. 'You okay?' Seb asked. 'Just nervous. It's okay. Nothing to worry about' i replied. Opening the door of the car. Seb hired a car for us, so that both of us can drink.

'I'll be right back oke?' I said to Seb while we were walking over to our friends. He nodded, kissing my cheek. I walked over to the little church. Opened the door. It was beautiful. I laid my eyes on the person sitting on the bench.

'Hey' i said softly, putting myself next to him, grabbing his hand. He looked up, tears in his eyes. 'Hey sis. You look beautiful' he said. Putting a kiss on my forehead. 'You look stunning to bro' i said. 'Are you okay?' I asked putting my head on his shoulder. 'Yes. Just a little bit overwhelmed. That's all' he sighed. 'It's gonna be a beautiful day Dan. Nothing can ruin this day okay?' 'I know that' he said with a little smile. I looked up when i heard the doors were opening.

'You coming?' Seb asked while walking over. I looked at my brother. Squeezing his hand one more time before giving him a kiss and stood up. 'See you soon' i said while taking Seb's hand and leaving my brother alone.

Only to see him walking down the aisle twenty minutes later!

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