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Today would be the first day that I took the kids to a race. Sebastian and I agreed on keeping the kids out of the spotlight. But today was an important race.

It was the home race of Ferrari at Monza. And Sebastian was the leader in the championship. Followed by Lewis and at third was Max. I was so proud of them. So we decided it would be good to take the kids today.

Sebastian made sure there was a crib in his driver's room so that Lotte could sleep if she wanted to. She was almost eight months old now. And Levi couldn't be a better brother for her. He was now almost four. He and Sebastian we're one. Did everything together. When Sebastian was home.


"You already talked to the guys?" I asked Sebastian the moment he stepped into his driver's room. I was feeding Lotte and Levi was playing with some little Formula 1 cars. "Hi love" he said and laughed "Hi Seb" I said and he gave me a kiss "hey buddy" he said and gave Levi a hug. "Hey papa" he said in German.

We decided that Levi could choose which language he wanted to be his native tongue. He chose German, but as we talked a lot of English at home, he also can talk English. I finally started to talk German too, it took me a long time to learn. But I could finally understand the two of them.

"Can you take over? I have to pee" I said and Sebastian nodded. He grabbed Lotte and her bottle and sat down on the couch with her.

"Hey Aiv" I heard and turned around "Charles" I said enthusiastic and gave him a big hug, it was a long time ago that I saw him. The last time was like, four months ago. But I get it. He was busy planning the wedding with Giada.

"How's the wedding planning going?" I ask him while we walked into the garage "stressful. We both want other things. So we decided to have a little pause from all of it" "Yeah, I get that" "how's the little lady?" "She's doing great. Growing good. She's here, with Levi. So if you want?" I said and his smile got even bigger than it already was.

"Look who's here" I said when I opened the door. Levi looked up "uncle Char" he said and gave him a big hug "Hey big man. You are getting big" Charles said while looking at him. He then walked over to Sebastian who was holding Lotte. She looked at him with her big blue eyes and he smiled. "Hi beauty" he said and kissed her forehead.

Sebastian gave Lotte to Charles and his eyes lit up. A big smile on his face. He walked towards the couch and sat down on it with Lotte in his arm. Talking to her and playing with her little fingers.

"I'm going to the Renault garage. Surprising Dan and Nico" I said and looked at Sebastian. He nodded while playing with the little Ferrari, I smiled at the sight. Sebastian playing with Levi. I love to see that.


"Hi Avy" I heard the moment I stepped into the Renault garage "hi guys" I said back and smiled at some of them. "AVY" I heard someone yelling my name and before I knew there were two arms around me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around the warm body.

"Hello Nico" I said "hi" he softly said back and then kissed my cheek before letting me go "I've missed you Aiv" he said and pouted "yeah, I missed you too. It's been way too long" "it is. How are the kids doing?" He asked while we walked to the back of the garage, towards hospitality.

"They are great. Levi asked about you the other day. Said he's missing you and Egle" "ah, I'll make sure we visit soon. I miss them too. Little sunshines" he said and smiled at me. "Coffee?" He asked when we walked inside. I nodded, he walked away and I found a table to sit at.

"Avy?" I heard. I turned around and saw Daniel walking my way. I stood up and opened my arms "Dan" I said and then he took me into a big and warm hug. "Why didn't you tell me you would come?" He asked "surprise" was the only thing I said.

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