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❤liked by: danielricciardo, scuderiaferrari, dilarasanlik and 846,718 others

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liked by: danielricciardo, scuderiaferrari, dilarasanlik and 846,718 others

avyvettel: the rumours are true. We got married 👰🤵
without me knowing it, Seb planned the whole thing. Let my friends pick out my dress, and they did a perfect job. I loved it ❤

thank you everyone who was there, it was all i ever wanted, Seb did a great job. Couldn't done it better myself. I loved every minute off it.

Seb, schatze, ich liebe dich für immer,
bis der Tod uns scheidet ❤❤

tagged: @vettelofficial

kimimatiasraikkonen: finally. I had to shut up for so long.. never tell me this kind off secrets anymore.
But, i loved the day. Thanks for sharing it with us ❤
↪mintturaikkonen: you almost told her 🙄 it was a perfect day, just how you guys are ❤

danielricciardo: you deserve a man like him sis. He's the best. I know you guys will live the best life possible. And i'm happy i'm a part of that. I love you, and we got this ❤
avyvettel: aaah Dan, you always know how to make me cry. So happy you are my brother. Couldn't do anything like this without you, i love you. And hell yes, we got this ❤

maxverstappen1: happy that you loved it. Seb put so much effort in it. You guys are amazing ❤
dilarasanlik: happy you liked the dress babe. You looked beautiful in it 🤩👰
hulkhulkenberg: it was a great day. Lucky to enjoy it with all of you guys 😍
charles_leclerc: it was a beautifil day, full off beautiful people. Merci ❤

vettelfans: omygod, so happy for you. and Avy Vettel. It sounds so good 😍
↪raikkonenfans: it does 😍
user3: still can't believe he married her 🤔😂
user4: i know right. She's still a fat piggy 🐖
user5: She still doesn't deserve Seb.
user8: they won't last that long 🤭

vettelofficial: couldn't wish for a better day. I love you. Always will my schatze ❤

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