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'are you oke?' Britta asked softly. we were on a flight to Brazil. Seb was asleep. 'no, i'm not' i told her. 'you want to tell me?' 'we are in a fight. we haven't talked over the last three days' i sigh, feeling my eyes getting teary again. 'what is is about?' 'i really don't know. i talked to Dan over the phone. got angry at him. when i hang up i told Seb that we were almost married for three months. he just answered with: i know. when i asked him what was wrong, he said it was nothing, then that same night, he went out for a run, a four hour run. when he came home, at eleven at night, and i asked why he took a four hour run, he just yelled at me. and since then we haven't realpy talked. i don't know what to do' i said, softly starting to cry.

'oh Aiv. i'm so sorry' Britta said, putting her arms around me. 'he had never yelled at me Brit, he scared me with it' 'i could understand that, he can yell very hard. do you want me to try and talk to him?' she asked. 'if you want to, i want to know what's wrong with him' 'i will do it when we are at Brazil. i'll keep you up to date' 'thanks Brit' i said, giving her a small smile.


'Dan' i yelled, seeing him. he turned around, a big smile on his face. i was really happy to see him. i ran to him, letting myself fall into his arms, crying.
'hey sis, what's wrong hu?' he asked, looking at me with worried eyes. 'just hold me for a sec' i said, putting my arms around him tighter, he slammed his arms around me, brushing my hair.

'now tell me what's wrong' we where in Dan's drivers home. he sat me down on the couch. i told him everything 'that bloody german' he said, getting angry. 'ow i really hate him right now, i'm going to confront him' he said. 'Dan, no' but he already stormt out off the room.

'shit, shit, shit' i mumbled at myselfs. Running after him. 'Nico, did you see Dan?' i asked him. he just shaked his head. fuck. I run out of the garage, looking left and right. no Dan. I started running towards the Ferrari garage. 'Aiv' i've heard Max calling my name. 'not now Max' i just shout back. arriving at the Ferrari garage i looked around. 'you looking for Seb?' Charles asked me. 'yeah, you've seen him?' 'no. but hi Aiv' he said. hugging me tightly. 'hi Charles' putting my hands around him to. 'i saw Dan and Seb walking towards the parkingspots. they didn't looked very happy' he softly said in my ear. 'thanks' i said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

As fast as possible i runned over to the parkingspot. i can already hear them screaming at eachother. 'you ever yell at her again. i will punch you so hard' i heard Dan scream. 'like i already told you, i wasn't planning on screaming to her' Seb answered. 'GUYS' i yelled. They both looked at me.

'stop it' i said, walking towards them. 'no, he needs to know he can't treat you like that' Dan said to me. 'and also, i need to tell you something' 'Dan, please don't' Seb said. his eyes getting big. 'ow yes i will' i was getting nervous. what was he going to say?

'sis, i love you. that's why i really need to tell you this' he started 'Dan, man. Don't do this' Seb said 'you can't asked me that Seb. she needs to know, she'll found out sooner of later' Dan said, causing Seb to look down at his feet. 'what is it?' i asked, and as i already knew what was coming my eyes getting teary, again.

'sis, i love you. and i really hoped i never ever had to tell ya this words. but i do now, and i really hated. because i know it will really break your heart' Dan said. 'goddamnit. just tell me already' i yelled at him.

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