Chapter 12

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Six hours from estimated arrival of Sarah and Remy's flight

"Hey, son?" Mama Glenna, Matteo's mother, called out to him. "Yes ma?" Matt immediately took off his Airpods so he could hear her better. He had been working out in their backyard when his mom came to him looking all serious. He wiped his sweaty face with a towel and took a sip of his drink. "What's going on?" he asked, out of breath from his exercise. "When is Sarah supposed to be home?" Mama Glenna asked. The question took Matteo by surprise, but he didn't think anything by it. "Umm, what time is it?" He asked. "It's about nine," she answered. The worried look in her face remained. Matteo counted with his fingers. "About six hours from now, I believe. Why?" He asked again. Mama Glenna took a deep breath. "Do you know what flight she's in? Do you know her flight details?" She asked him again. Matteo's eyebrows met. "Okay, what's this all about, ma? Why are you interested all of a sudden? And what's that look in your face?" He asked. Mama Glenna took a deep breath. She looked at her hands then she looked him in the eyes. "I was just watching the news with your dad. Apparently, they lost contact with one of the planes from California going to the the Philippines. I just wanted to make sure Sarah's not on that plane," she said to him. Matteo frowned even more. "Of course not, ma. I'm sure she's okay," he said, but he immediately took out his cell phone to check. He opened his messages. Then he read Sarah's last text message to him: 

Thank you, love. Ingat ka rin sa lahat ng gagawin mo today. Dito nako sa plane, kaka-board ko lang. I love you. 

Matteo didn't want to think negatively, but his heart started beating fast. "Ma, could you try to figure out what flight that was, yung nakita mo sa news, and pati airline na din. It would help if you get as much details as you could. I'll have to do some back-reading, parang nasabi nya sakin her flight details," he requested. "Okay," mama Glenna answered. Then she immediately went inside to get more information from the news as she researched on her phone. Matteo sat on the ground scrolling through his and Sarah's messages carefully. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself. After a few minutes, he stood up. Then he made a phone call, but the person he called didn't answer. He tried again. Still, no one picked up his call. He took a deep breath. Then he tried another person. "Thank God," he said to himself quietly. "Hey, hey boss Vic, Matteo, yeah sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask, Sarah might have mentioned to me her flight details somewhere in my messages pero I couldn't find it. She might have said it verbally on the phone, but I totally forgot. I was just going to ask you if you knew what flight she was on?" Matteo asked. His fingers tapped his legs to try and calm himself down. "Naku, I'm not really sure, but I can contact one of the people from her team na is supposed to be with her and ask. Why?" Boss Vic del Rosario replied. "Oh, I just wanted to ask for her flight details, maybe I'll have time later to pick her up at the airport," Matteo said, trying not to alarm the management. However, his gut feeling pushed him to say something about the missing plane. "Boss Vic, the reason talaga na I called is because my mom just told me one of the flights yata from California to the Philippines was missing, like they lost contact with it for some reason. Gusto ko lang i-make sure na Sarah's not on that flight," he finally informed him. "Ah ganun ba? Naku, let me put you on hold. I will make a few phone calls, okay?" Boss Vic said. "Okay, boss Vic, thank you," Matteo said. "Son, it's Philippine Airlines, PR113, scheduled arrival is about three in the afternoon," mama Glenna said as she made her way towards Matteo. Matteo's heart started beating faster. "That's when she's supposed to arrive," he said nervously. "Who's that on the phone with you?" mama Glenna asked. "I'm on the phone with boss Vic. I'm trying to re-check kung she texted me her flight information pero wala ako mahanap, she might have said it to me verbally, pero I forgot," he said disappointingly. "Son, that's why you have to take a note of these things. Importante yun," mama Glenna said worriedly. "I know, mom. I know. I guess I was too overly confident na I won't forget it. Hopefully boss Vic knows. If not I'll have to call her parents," he said. Mama Glenna stood next to him as he waited. 

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