Chapter 23

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Day of the rescue

"Matt? Where are you going?" Mama Glenna said right away when he saw Matteo hurrying to get his stuff together. "Ma, they found someone on an island. A woman about Sarah's age. They're thinking it might be her. They told me the coast guards can't land the chopper down because of safety issues. The wind was too aggressive, and the shore had too many huge rocks, so they're sending some boats there instead, a few of them, just in case there's more than one person stuck on that island. They're letting me come with them," Matteo said. "What?" Mama Glenna said worriedly. "Son, it's not safe out there," she said nervously. "Ma, nothing is too dangerous when it comes to Sarah, okay? You know I'll do anything for her," Matteo said. Then he continued to gather his stuff. He carried his backpack with him and started heading for the door. "I know, son, and that's what I'm worried about. You're willing to put your safety down on the line for your girlfriend--," mama Glenna was trying to explain when Matteo cut her off. "Because she's worth it, and you know that," he said. Then his dad and siblings entered the living room with them. "Where are you going, son?" His dad asked him. Matteo explained where he was off to. "I'm coming," both his parents and sister said at the same time. "No!" Matteo said. "It's too dangerous!" He said. "See," mama Glenna said. She was almost in tears. "Ma, pa, you know I have to do this. You've let me do all these crazy things. Did I ever let you down? Did I ever let anything bad happen to me? No, right? I've always taken care of myself for you all because I know you all worry about me. Would I ever let anything bad happen to me now? Now that they think they found Sarah? Of course, not. I'll be even more careful. She needs me right now. I can't have you guys come down with me. The coast guards have a lot to worry about right now. I can't have them hold more bodies accountable if I let you guys come with me. They need to focus on their mission. We need to focus on saving Sarah and whoever else is with her on that island. I know you're all very worried, but I also know that you understand where I'm coming from. So please, let me do this. Let me find my girlfriend. Let me bring her home safely, and I promise you, I'll be home safe and sound too," Matteo said to all of them. Every single one of them were in tears by then. They nodded in return. "Be safe, son. Bring Sarah and yourself home, safe and healthy and alive," his dad reminded him. "I will. I'm sorry for doing this to all of you. I'm sorry for making you all worry about me all the time. I have to go. I love you guys," he said to them. Then his whole family went in for a hug. They all wished him luck. His dad held on to his mom to comfort her as they watched Matteo leave the house, praying for everything for his and Sarah's safe return.

"We're going to have to go without him," one of the commanders of the coast guards said. "Sir, go without who, sir?" Matteo asked. "Sarah's father. It'll take him about two hours to get here, and we can't waste that much time," the commander said. "Okay po, sir. I'm sure he wouldn't want us to waste time either," Matteo replied as he got ready to go on one of the boats. When they were finally on their way to the island, the sea was definitely aggressive. The waves were strong. Fear were evident in the coast guards' faces. Matteo didn't mind. He didn't mind braving the strong current. He was determined to save the person on the island even if it wasn't Sarah. An hour has gone by, they were only surrounded by water. They were led by a helicopter mid-air. Matteo was starting to get nervous. The island was farther than he thought. The sea was getting more aggressive. The wind was tossing their boat up and down a series of powerful waves. Mist from the ocean has turned Matteo's hair from dry to wet. His clothes were also starting to get soaked, so he started to shiver. "Ayun na po yung isla!" One of the coast guards yelled. Every single one of them cheered. "Konting konti na lang!" The coast guards yelled. It took them another fifteen minutes to finally get to see a glimpse of the shore. "She's not there," Matteo said worriedly as he squinted his eyes. "Mukha nga pong wala tao," one of the coast guards replied. "No, you guys were sure there was a woman right?" Matteo asked. He was starting to get even more nervous. "Opo, meron po," the coast guard replied. "Then she must be somewhere on that island, we're going to have to search for her. We're not leaving until we find her," he said to them. The coast guards nodded in return. When they were nearing the island, "Ayun po! May babae nakahiga sa may buhangin!" Another coast guard pointed out. Matteo's heart started pounding even harder. He was afraid that they might be too late. "Sir, hindi daw po makaka-lapit yung boat dun malapit mismo sa shore. Ang dami pong bato bato, baka masira po yung ilalim ng boat natin," one of the coast guards informed Matteo. "We're going to have to swim there then," Matteo said, preparing to jump into the water. The commander stopped him. He made sure he gave every single one of them proper instructions to ensure everyone's safety. A number of the coast guards were instructed to search the whole island for more survivors while Matteo and the others were instructed to make sure that the woman laying on the sand was kept alive and given proper care. "Let's go," Matteo said. Then he jumped into the water. The boat was able to go nearer towards the shore. The water was up to his hips. He was caught off guard with how cold the water really was. It was so cold that his body started shaking and his teeth started chattering, but he was determined to get to the island as fast as he possibly could. He helped the coast guards with the portable stretcher. Then he waded quickly to the shore.

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