Episode 1

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Thank You for 605 Followers!
PoV: 3rd Person

  The crowd cheered as the stage was lit. A single voice over casting the entire audience in a bright spotlight. Shouting lyrics and cheering surrounded the stage. The azure hedgehog singing every word at the perfect note and pitch with a bright smile. Yellow-green eyes watched in awe as they recorded every second, using their savings to buy a VIP pass.

  The concert went on, the singer only stopping to drink water and talk to the crowd. The singer was famously known as Sonic the Hedgehog, his gender nuteral stature and clothing style left people wondering and the girls adoring him.

"How's everyone tonight?" Sonic spoke into the microphone and the crowd screamed, "You guys amazing! Thank you so much for comming today!"

"I love you!" A few of his fans shouted.

"Haha," Sonics small giggle was displayed on the screens besides the stage, "I love you too!"

  The crowd cheered as Sonic waved.

"I have to go now, but I'll be sure to see you guys at my next concert," Sonic held out his pink towards the crowd and winked, "Promise."

  They cheered and Sonic waved as he walked off the stage. Suddenly all who had VIP passes began running towards the back stage door. Sonic's assistant immediately came to his side with a glass of water and a change of clothes.

"Thank you," Sonic took the glass from the black and red hedgehog.

"You need to get changed while we get the VIP guests settled," the scarlet streaked hedgehog began removing Sonic's shirt as the Singer drank the entire glass of water.

"I'll go change," Sonic handed the dark hedgehog the empty glass and tool the change of clothes before walking to his changing room.

  The VIP guests flooded into the back stage, eagerly awaiting for Sonic's return. They placed down gifts and one girl even unbuttoned the top of her shirt to reveal some cleavage.

"Sorry for the wait," Sonic walked in and had changed into fresh clothing.

"Oh don't worry about that sweetie, you need all the time you want to be that perfect little you," a girl with pink fur smiled, "I got you something."

"You didn't have to," Sonic stated.

"Ah!" The girl screamed when a blade nearly cut her hand as she tried to reach for Sonic.

"Please refrain from touching, it isn't appropriate," the dark assistant ordered.

"You're Shadow," a guest cheered, "You're the badass assistant who's beaten every body guard and marcial artist there is! I can't believe you work for Sonic."

  The VIP visit ended when Sonic fell asleep on the couch. The guests took pictures of everything and Sonic had eaten on of the cakes already. His assistant, Shadow, carried Sonic and drove him back to his condo where he undressed Sonic completely and put him to bed.

  Dark hands grazed azure fur. Slowly they began separating his thighs when a knock interrupted.

  Shadow left Sonc as he was, cold and out of the blankets, completely exposed.

  A camera lens taking constant pictures of the sleeping singer.
PoV: Sonic the Hedgehog

"Cold..." I woke up with the sun in my face. I was in bed, "Shadow~?" I yawned and stretched as I got up, "Hm?"

  My window was open and my clothes in my dirty hamper.

"Shadow!" I called him, he wasn't here like he usually was, "Weird... oh right, it's his day off. I'll text him thank you for putting me in bed."

  I reached for my phone and my nightstand was covered in pink envelopes.

"Fan mail?" I couldn't see an address or name. I opened it and the letter was typed out, but what it read...

  Sonic you were so great yesterday. And you did the cutest thing while you were sleeping. I can't believe you purr in your sleep.

  I dropped the letter, there were pictures of me inside. Me asleep in my own bed, and of me back stage before the concert when no one was allowed there.

  You really are cute. I can't wait to have you to myself. I'll be sure to eat a piece of you everyday-

"That's enough of that," the letter were taken away from me tossing into the shredder. Shadow was here, "Forgive me for not comming when you called but I was making you breakfast."

"Shadow... They had pictures," I shivered.

"We'll get them away from you. The stalker will disappear and you can relax without worry," handed me a sweater and fresh pair of boxes, "Do get covered up. You'll catch a cold they way you are now."

  I missed and took the boxers, slipping them on before pulling the sweater over myself.

"Come eat," he guided me to kitchen.

  I hope I don't get any more letters. It's freaking me out.

  I hate it.


  A new book for my lovely 605 followers!

  I love you guys so much and thank you.

  I hope you like your present, and thank you BlueLeader-StH for helping me figure out the plot details at 3am.

  I love you all and I hope you enjoy this new story.

Bye bye ~ 😙

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