Episode 4

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PoV: Shadow

This filthy woman. She demanded Sonic to send her his own underwear. Not on my life, I burned her underwear that night about two miles from Sonic. I wouldn't let him near those things. Sonic wasn't asleep yet when I got back. He was up past midnight, that wasn't like him.

"Sonic, you need to sleep," I turned off the TV.

"I can't..." he was wrapped up in a blanket, hiding himself.

"They won't touch you, I made sure of that," I picked him up and carried him too the bathroom and brushed his teeth. I laid him in bed and he grabbed my arm.

"Don't leave me... just until I fall asleep... please?" He squeezed my hand and I sat down on the bed next to him, "Go to sleep," I grabbed my book and read as I waited for him to rest.

He fell asleep as soon as I got to the next chapter. I put my book down and untangled Sonic from the mess of blankets he was in. He was still of his day clothes under the blankets. I slowly removed his clothes, cautious not to wake him. His body remained deliquiet no matter how much he ate. He had an incredible matabalism.

I let my hand graze his curves and his cheeks. He had a meet and greet tomorrow, anyone who tried anything would have to deal with me. The only one to touch him was me.
PoV: Sonic

I woke up naked again.

"Shadow," I called him and he walked in, "Why do you always but me to bed naked?"

"You tend to fight with your clothing in your sleep. I prevent it by keeping you undressed," he explained.

"Do I? I never new that," I yawned and stretched.

"You have a short concert then a meet and greet today, so dress yourself nicely," Shadow walked, "You're having a light breakfast, so think about what you want for lunch."

"Chillidogs!" I cheered.

"Pick something your diet allows," Shadow glared.

"No fair..."

"Diet restrictions Sonic."

"I hate this diet."

I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I wanted to wear something comfortable for singing. I had black leggings covered in large grey stars. I pulled on a pair of black shorts, and pink t-shirt with a black, upside down heart on it.

"People are going to think you're a woman again," Shadow commented.

"Does it look that bad?" I asked.

"No, you look fine. Come eat, we leave soon," Shadow set my plate and I ate.

  We left and the concert was on.

"I'm gonna reach for the stars~

"Although they look pretty far~

"I'm gonna find my own way~

"And take a chance of today~

"The sky with stars so bright~

"The colors feel so right~

"I've never felt like this, I'll keep on runnin~


"Just take my hand~

(Just take my hand)

"We'll take a chance tonight

"Reach for the stars


  They cheered as the concert ended.

"Thank you guys so much, I can't wait to meet all of you!" I waved them goodbye and walked to the table I would be standing behind.

"We have some rules before you get to meet Sonic," Shadow started lecturing them again,  "First is this!" He held up a gaint bottle of hand sanitizer, "you will all be rewired to use this before touching Sonic."

"Shadow, they remember from last time, it's okay, you don't need to tell them everything again," I said.

"Fine," Shadow finally let me meet the first person.

  I shook their hand and had about a two second conversation before moving on to the next person.


  A girl with pink fur grabbed both of my hands before I was done with the last person.

"Sonic you have no idea how amazing you are. You're like a prince from a celestial being!" She was squeezing my hands.

"U-umm... thank you?" I didn't know to reply to her.

"Tell me," her eye felt like they were piercing through me,  "Why haven't you given me yours yet?"


"You're banned from meeting Sonic again," Shadow pushed her away from me and placed sanitizer in my hands for me, "Leave."

"Sonic, did she hurt you?" The next girl asked, "She bruised you. BITCH GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I didn't know how to calm them.

"Ladies, relax please!" Shadow shouted, "Security will handle her. You can get your revenge out side a facility."

"Sonic, I'm so sorry that happened," the next girl held my hand so gently I hardly felt it.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," I reassured her.

  It was like that until the meet and greet was over.

"Sonic," Shadow took my hand, "Let me see your hands."

"It's only a small bruise," I replied.

"Still, you'll need to hide those for a while," he answered.

"I'll be fine Shadow, don't worry," I looked around, "I'm gonna use the bathroom, I'll be back."

"Be cautious," he called.

"I will be," walked to the restroom sign I saw. I was checked the men's stall, locked, "Huh?"

  The woman's was locked as well. The only one was the unisex room. It was open, I went in and locked the door.

"I was waiting for you."

"What the hell?!" I fell back, that girl with pink fur was back.

"I'm taking my share," she grabbed me.

"Let me go!" I left my short lowered, "No!"

"Just remember how much I love you."


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