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This story will take place mostly in your (the reader's) perspective, and the reader's actions and words may not apply to every single one of you, but I'll try to make her a relatable character!

Apologies if my writing seems rusty, I'm questioning why I'm writing fanfic again but I really missed writing Haikyuu!! related things and I have a few ideas for chapters, hopefully you guys enjoy it :)

I'll try keep not to change the characters behaviours too much because I love them all to death, but I kinda suck at capturing their traits in my writing.

A for effort?

If that was a thing I'd have aced my exams but guess who didnt-

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for sticking around babes, y'all are the best


Yukio couldn't stop laughing at you, but today was definitely not your day. "Who did it." You asked, in a low voice.

"A-ah! Gomen! That wasn't meant for you, it was meant for Kageyama!" A short orange haired boy was bowing multiple times in front of you. "But you have to admit, it was really funny." He said, looked up at you and cracked a grin.
But the look on your face told him it was anything but funny.

What had happened, you ask? Well you overslept, started your time of the month, didn't get breakfast, sprinted to school and now you were soaked from head to toe in water because the hyper boy who was currently cowering in front of you thought it would be a good idea to dump water on his friend, but of course, messed up.

"Fuck you." You said to Hinata. You didn't sound that snappy but you were clearly at your limit. "Fuck you all. Oh and fuck you in particular." You said, pointing at your best friend, Yukio, who still hadn't managed to stop laughing.

You turned on your heel to walk out the door and bumped into a tall, lean, figure. Looking up, you saw the tall dark haired boy, who this prank had been meant for. "Hey, watch where you're goi-"

"Oh fuck you too." You jabbed a finger in his chest before walking around him, storming away in irritation. "What a great way to start the week." You mumbled to yourself.

"What's up with her." You heard him mumble on his way into class.

Your eyes narrowed and you whipped around. "TRY BLEEDING FROM YOUR UTERUS AND YOU'LL SEE WHAT'S UP WITH ME YOU ASSHOLE!"

Your entire class chorused in a knowing "Ahhh", finally realising why you were so easy to anger today.

Everyone knew you as the girl who failed to work her mouth filter, when in reality, you just chose not to filter things most of the time.

There had been times when people called you 'shameless' for talking about things other girls were shy about, for example, your period.
But eventually, your class got used to you and got along with you easily.

You picked fights sometimes but made up and forgave almost just as easily as long as whoever was in the wrong sincerely apologised, and if you were in the wrong, you would apologise for it sincerely.
Sure you had pride, but you also had priorities and knew everyone's happiness was more important than pride.

(A/N: unless it's LGBT pride. Screw those narrow minded hoes and be pROUD BABY)

Yukio followed after you, running to catch up to your long strides. "Want a change of clothes?" She asked.

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