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You dressed yourself in jeans and a grey turtleneck sweater, pulling on your coat and gloves along with your fluffy socks on the way out. You ankle high boots hid the socks and you just took comfort in the fact that your toes wouldn't freeze. And of course, the softness of the socks too.

You quickly grabbed your keys on the way out and headed to the movies. It was strangely warm for late November, but it was still chilly. You tucked your gloves into your pocket since it wasn't overly cold and pulled your phone out, listening to music on the way.

You waited for your two old friends, seated at a table and scrolling through memes and whatnot when someone decided to try scare you.

"Boo!" He shouted and out of reflex you rammed your elbow against his stomach.

"Oh, my bad. You okay there Tooru?" You called to the boy who was now on the floor, clutching his stomach in pain while his best friend was laughing at him.

"Serves him right." Is all Iwaizumi said.

"Was that a pun Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked with a pout while you helped him up.

"Let's just go watch the movie." He replied and you nodded.

Oikawa had picked the movie out, and to your surprise, it wasn't an alien related movie.
Instead, it was horror.

Oikawa caused a fuss about wanting to sit next to you and Iwa-chan which led to him being seated between you, and that's when he realised how bad of an idea it was to be seated in between two people who wouldn't hesitate to punch him whenever he so much as breathed in their direction.

"No! I wanna swap! (F/n) you go in the middle!" Oikawa began another tantrum and you only laughed. You'd missed him.

When the movie began, Oikawa and finally quietened down and was snuggling against your arm quite contently. Iwaizumi was attempting not to fall asleep before the 10 minutes of the movie and you were simply looking forward to see how the movie went.

Every jump scare there was, Oikawa would yelp and hold on to you tighter, and you only whacked him upside the head in retaliation. Iwaizumi was fully passed out on your other shoulder and you had to deal with Oikawa's behaviour.

"No wonder Hajime fell asleep, he must be exhausted after dealing with you all day." You teased Oikawa when the movie was finished.

You hadn't found it scary in the least, but Oikawa was shaking next to you and you thought you could hear him mumble an 'our father' under his breath.

You tapped Iwaizumi's shoulder lightly and he turned a little, before slumping against your shoulder again.

You tapped him again, and whispered "Hajime it's time to wake up." Again he did the same.

"Is Oikawa cheating on you with that cute girl at the counter?" You tried a third time and his eyes shot open.

(A/N: sorry IwaOi is a weakness of mine-)

You burst out laughing. "Of all things, that caught your attention?"

Iwaizumi pushed your face away and you only laughed harder.

"Shut up (f/n), please don't turn into the rest of my teammates and ship me with this trash too."

"But he's your trash~" You said, wiggling your brows at Iwaizumi and he got up and walked away.

"Wait! Hajime don't leave me with your boyfriend!" You called, running to catch up with him.

Oikawa realised he'd been left alone and leaped out of his seat, not wanting to be attacked by demons just yet.

"Let's go out to eat something (f/n)!" Oikawa suggested, seeming to have calmed down a little.

I gave him an apologetic look. "I can't, Tobio's waiting for me."

Oikawa stopped in his tracks. "He's waiting for you? Where?"

"Outside the cinema place. He's walking me home so I don't get kidnapped or something." You replied. "I'll have a meal with you another time."

"Is that a promise?" Oikawa asked to double check.

"Sure, I promise." You agreed. "I've got to go, I can't keep Tobio waiting!" You said and hugged your two friends a quick bye and scurried off to find Kageyama.

Outside, it was pouring rain. That explained the unusual warm-ish weather earlier. This made you even more determined to find Kageyama.

You searched and searched but to no avail. He was the last person who'd cancel without saying anything, so you were much more concerned about his well being. Sighing, you took to your last resort. You sucked in a huge breath and yelled "MILK BOY!" at the top of your lungs.

You felt a hand wrap around your wrist and pull you into an alleyway. "That was ridiculously embarrassing!" Kageyama scolded.

"Not for me, I have no shame remember?" You smirked at him before your smirk turned into a frown. "You're soaked."

"And you will be too if we don't take shelter, come on, this way." He was leading you away when you stopped him.

"Since you're already drenched, you shouldn't mind being in the rain right? Come on!" You grinned and led him in the direction of your house, not one bit worried about needing shelter.

"You are one crazy woman." He told you and you beamed.

"I'm flattered that you think I'm a female. Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but I'm not even human. I'm an alien remember?"

He rolled his eyes at my comment. "Oh yes, and I'm Milk boy." He scoffed.

"That's right."

"Your milk boy, if I recall correctly."

You tensed up, but tried to play it off.
"Whatever do you mean? I've never said that."

"Oh don't bullshit me (f/n). I know you remember saying it." He laughed.
Oh boy his laugh. You almost forgot how to breathe for a minute.

His eyes landing on you pulled you back into the conversation. "Okay okay fine. I was drunk alright? You can't hold this against me!" You protested.

"I've heard people are more honest when they're drunk."

"I'm not a person, I'm an alien. This doesn't apply to me."

He flicked your forehead. "Ouch! What was that for?" You mumbled while rubbing your forehead.

"I felt like it." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes.

Since you'd met him, eye rolling had become a habit. The rain got even heavier and you squealed in delight. The excitement built up and you ran around the sidewalk in circles, not caring that you were drenched or that you could get sick.

Your grandma should be asleep by now, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. And so you went all out, leaping in the air and collecting water in your hands only to splash it on Kageyama's face and jumping in puddles.

Kageyama shook his head at your behaviour, not too surprised at this point. Your excited nature was contagious, though. And soon, Kageyama was also chasing you with rain water in his hands and jumping in puddles beside where you walked to soak you even further.

I hope days like these never stop coming, because even if I don't have the courage to tell him yet, I fall a little deeper and smile a little wider.

All for you, Kageyama Tobio.


Does milk boy even seem like milk boy?
Nope because I suck at making his stick to character wtf

I'm so sory but the idea of a soft Kageyama is way too cute for me to not write about-

Stay fabulous babes xo

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