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Your grandma wiped your tears off your face. "Chin up, dear. You're (f/n). You've got this under control. You're stronger than this."

Your grandma's words of encouragement was the only thing that kept you going. She let out a yawn and you'd realised you wore her out. "Rest." You told her. "I'll call you for lunch."

You closed the door after you left her room and scurried up the stairs, away from Kageyama.

You called Yukio, out of habit of telling her everything. You had a similar conversation of the one you shared with your grandma, but more so of a bitch sesh, with Yukio cursing at Kageyama for being, and you quote, "a confusing little cow".

Your strange insults had begun to rub off on her, you pointed out and she groaned, realising you were right.

After chatting for a while longer, Yukio hung up saying she had to order takeout for lunch. You said your goodbyes to your friend and hung up.

Flopping on your bed with no idea what to do until lunch time, you tossed and turned, not being able to sleep or even rest. Your phone rang and you stretched out your hand to reach your phone.

You expected it to be Yukio, calling to tell you something she'd forgotten but you were surprised to see the caller ID say 'Trashy-kawa'.

Outside your door, Kageyama was about to knock and come in to talk to you and that's when you picked up the phone. "What a surprise, hearing from you, Crappy-kawa." You laughed.
Kageyama furrowed his brows together and yanked his hand away from your door. Seeing no point in trying to talk to you when you were on the phone, he retreated downstairs, cursing at himself for not going up sooner.

"K- Kageyama? Is that you?" You called, hearing the footsteps go downstairs. You got no reply and so you assumed it was your desperate imagination playing tricks on you.

"Kageyama is at your house?" You heard over the phone.

"Oh, yeah. He's staying until tomorrow evening because his parents are away." You explained.

"Luckyyyy!~" He whined. "We never get to have sleepovers (f/n)-chan."

"Your fault for breaking your phone." You laughed. "Or maybe you'd have had the chance for a sleep over too."

You could almost see him pout over the phone. "(F/n)-chan, promise me we'll get to hang out soon." He demanded. "I haven't seen you in so long and if that happens again I'll have withdrawal symptoms!"

You rolled your eyes. "Shut it you big baby, yeah we'll hang out soon. Ask Hajime if he's free too."

"Of course! I'll ask Iwa-chan to watch a movie with us. It'll be fun!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"I'd love to keep talking but I've got to go, Tooru. Stay safe, we'll talk soon." You said hurriedly and hung up.

You rushed down the stairs to wake your grandma, "Sorry I woke you a little late. I was on a call."

"It's alright dear, just set the table. I'll be right there."

You obeyed immediately and didn't waste another second. You didn't want to call Kageyama directly, so you just shouted "Lunch is ready!" And sat down to eat.

Your grandma joined you soon after, and Kageyama, only moments later. This time, your grandma didn't even attempt to break the silence.

Feeling suffocated in the silence, you swallowed your food and excused yourself first, saying you'd come down to do the dishes later.

You didn't wait for a response and dashed upstairs to wallow in self pity, in the comfort of your bed. "Kageyama hates you and it's all your fault so stop avoiding him and maybe try to make up!" You tried to reason with yourself.

You only made it as far as the youe bedroom door before you started rethinking all your life choices and you gave up, leaping onto your bed once again, burying your face in the pillow and letting out a few muffled screams of frustration.

(A/N: do y'all do this? Is it just me? Ok.)

"It'll work out." You tried to tell yourself. "Just give it some time."

But you didn't know how much longer you could wait, when even an hour without him felt like an eternity.
Shut up (f/n). You said to yourself. You sound like a lovesick girl in some shoujo manga.


Your grandma agreed to let you have take out for dinner and you mentally cheered, happy that you didn't have to make dinner or face Kageyama at the dinner table.

You collected the delivery at the door and payed the delivery man, handing over a generous tip. You labelled your grandma's and Kageyama's take out with a marker and left it on the dinner table, before heading to your room to eat yours.

You barely even had an appetite at this point, but you weren't about to let your health deteriorate because of some boy.

No way in hell. You thought. Especially not this boy.

Angrily, you munched down on your noodles and even though it was your favourite, your bad mood took away it's usual blissful taste.

You texted Yukio about how pissed you were at the raven haired boy. You even went as far as calling him a 'constipated cuckoo bird'.

You couldn't catch a wink of sleep and you only had Kageyama to blame. Everything that would normally give you comfort was only ticking you off now.

You were tired and sleep deprived, yet you couldn't sleep. This was the worst state for anyone to encounter you on, because you'd lash out at any given second.

Still, you thought now was a good time as any to fix things with Kageyama.

You wrapped your duvet around you, like you'd done the night before with your much thinner blanket but today was even colder. You scurried down the stairs only to bump into the boy you'd been in such a rush to see.

Looking at him now, you realised you didn't mind if you didn't fix things this soon. Your pride was holding you back from apologising, for once. Mainly because you didn't know what you were apologising for.

You were about to take a step back up the stairs when Kageyama reached out and held your wrist. "Where were you going?"

"Kitchen." You lied, "I wanted some warm milk to help me sleep. Where were you going?" You threw the question right back at him.

"I- uh, the bathroom!" He stuttered.

You only raised your eyebrows at him. "The bathroom is the other way, Kageyama."

He scratched the back of his head, looking ridiculously adorable, which you thought shouldn't even be allowed. "Alright." He admitted. "I was coming up to find you. I wanted to... talk."

You gave him a long stare, before exhaling and nodding. "Go change into something warmer." You told him

"We can talk on the terrace." And with that, you slipped past him, not dropping your attitude for even a second.

You haven't made this easy for me, Kageyama. I sure as hell won't be letting you off the hook that quickly.


S O O O . . .

There's gonna be a lil bit of cutesy cuddling going on next chapter, hold on to your stuffed toys so y'all don't feel lonely when reading it.

Oh don't pretend you don't have any stuffed toys or plushies, we're all a little soft alright?

Unless you don't have a stuffed toys for real. How do y'all even live? I can't sleep without my 1 meter long teddy bear.

Okay I can, but I feel better when Honey is sleeping next to me. Those of you who don't have stuffed toys are missing out big time boo.
It's never too late to get one!

Anyways I love you guys and that's why I'm giving you a little cutesy chapter next.

Stay fabulous babes xo

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