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New Year's Eve

Once again, you were getting all dolled up for a party.
Kenji was throwing it, and you'd been invited. Hinata was away and Yukio said she couldn't stay long but she'd show up for a bit. Kageyama promised to be there so you wouldn't get drunk and you were extremely grateful.

He was going to walk you, too. You tried not to keep him waiting and hurried downstairs to greet him. "Hey Tobi- wow." You gasped.

He wasn't doing anything special, but his hair was parted a little differently and your breath was caught in your throat.

"I should be the one saying that." He smiled. "You look amazing, (f/n)."

You finally figured out how breathing worked again and you made your way over to him. How did he look so good in a button up shirt? It was ridiculously unfair.

"Let's get going, shall we?" You nodded, not finding a particular reason to speak. The two of you linked arms and walked towards Kenji's house where he greeted you with a smile.

"Glad you two could make it!" He said cheerfully. "Enjoy yourselves!"

"Good to see you too, Kenji. I'll talk to you when people stop showing up." You replied, patting his shoulder when walking past him. Kageyama also greeted Kenji briefly before joining me, the two of them had figured things out and you were happy to say they were on good terms.

You saw Oikawa at the party too, and you went over to say hi. He wasn't with Iwaizumi this time, just him and a few friends from school but he seemed to be going from group to group, not finding anywhere he wanted to stay.

We caught up before you excused yourself to spend time with Kageyama. You didn't want that boy to be all salty again.

Yukio came by too, an excited look on her face when she saw you and Kageyama together. "(F/n) you look so grown up!" She gushed and you laughed.

"We both know I behave like a 5 year old, Yukio."

"Good point!" She agreed. "Enjoy yourself tonight, I can't stay long so I'll go greet everyone and take my leave. We need a sleep over sometime, (f/n)!" She stated before sauntering off to let you spend quality time with Kageyama.

As much as you appreciated it, you missed my best friend. She thought she was doing you a favour by leaving you with Kageyama all the time, and you weren't ungrateful for it, but you hadn't had proper girl time with her in so long and you missed it terribly, and so the idea of a sleepover made you happier than you thought possible.

"You look happy." Kageyama noted.

"Good work figuring that one out, genius. It's not like I have a huge giveaway grin or anything." You mumbled sarcastically to which he flicked your forehead.

"No need for sass with me, missy."

"That hurts though!" You pouted.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He said, rubbing your forehead for you. "I didn't mean for it to hurt."

"I- I was exaggerating! Don't worry about it." You reassured him.

This resulted in you bickering back and forth as per usual.

You went to the table to get something to eat and got caught up in a conversation with Kenji.

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